RUB »Ana Sayfa » Dersler

English for Chemical Science

Description: This course is designed to enable students of Chemistry to explain, demonstrate, and discuss in English contents of their scientific subject area in various ways and different situational contexts.

Priority will be given to the productive (or expressive) language skills, speaking and writing. Using a task-based approach, participants will be expected to take the initiative in explaining and discussing during presentations and group discus­sions issues related to their subject area (e.g. describing and presenting chemical processes). Students will also learn how to write lab reports, test records, and abstracts. In order to foster the related language skills, participants will be provided with phrases and expressions which are useful for job-related inter­action and communication in academic practice and also in future scientific research activities. Furthermore, the basic terminology of the subject will be discussed.

In addition, reception of spoken and written texts will be trained, e.g. on the basis of authentic university lectures and related tasks and exercises on Blackboard. Thus the typical idiom of this specific scientific field will be demonstrated and further trained. If desired, students can also learn how to write applications, e.g. for internships in English-speaking countries.

This course will be accompanied by supplementary e-learning materials.

English for Physics and Astronomy

Description: This language course is explicitly designed for students of Physics and Astronomy and is tailor-made to their needs.

The main focus will be put on the receptive language skills: reading and listen­ing comprehen­sion. Different reading strategies will be taught and applied. Attention will further be given to words and expres­sions specific­ally used in the areas of Physics and Astronomy. As an outcome of the course, participants will be able to follow lectures on the various sub-disciplines of Physics as well as read and understand without the help of a dictionary special­ised texts (e.g. papers, text books, sections out of special­ised treatises).

Blended learning: This course will be accompanied by a special e-learning offer which forms an integral part of the course syllabus. It is thus made up of two comple­ment­ary parts:

  • 1.lessons in class at the indicated times;
  • course on Blackboard (blended learning) supplying participants with tasks and materials for independent learning and course preparation.

Further details will be given in the first course session.

English for Physical Chemistry

A detailed description of this course will be provided here before long.

E-Learning with BlackBoard

In our department, we use the BlackBoard and Moodle e-learning platforms. For all my language courses, additional materials, hints and internet links will be provided regularly on BlackBoard. You can sign in on BlackBoard here.