RUB »Ana Sayfa » Dersler

Teaching LSP

The subject of Languages for Special Purposes (LSP) has become more and more popular with language schools and universities over the past few years. In the various settings, in which they are offered, however, these LSP courses are based on different denotations of the term “LSP”.

In this Seminar, we will begin by the search for a useful definition of “LSP”, including a discussion about the concept of terminology and its role in specialised communication.

After an examination of the specific features that are peculiar to texts on specialised topics we shall probe into the question of how these may influence firstly the choice of methods of instruction and secondly potential language learning strategies that may be employed.

The analysis and illustration of linguistic features of specialised texts as well as suggestions for instructional preparation and for teaching methods will be based on authentic special purpose texts.

In the course of the seminar students will primarily gain insight into:


    • the interrelation between Languages for Special Purposes and their instruction in various job-related contexts
    • how LSP courses can be prepared for groups made up of students of one common scientific discipline and which methodological considerations are involved
    • how LSP courses can be prepared for groups made up of students of several different scientific disciplines and how they can be tought on an interdisciplinary basis.

    Further questions and sub-topics may be included on demand.

    E-Learning with BlackBoard

    In our department, we use the BlackBoard and Moodle e-learning platforms. In my LSP-lecture, additional materials, hints and internet links will be provided regularly on BlackBoard. You can sign in on BlackBoard here.