

  • Sound-proof and anechoic room (5.4 m × 4.4 m × 2.1 m), insulated by fiberglass wedges on each of the six sides
  • Semicircular loudspeaker system with 91 broad-band loudspeakers and 91 LEDs in the horizontal plane (for auditory-visual bimodal stimulation) and 30 loudspeakers in the median plane
  • Simultaneous presentation of multiple sound sources (simulated "cocktail-party" situation)
  • Various psychophysical techniques (n-AFC, hand pointing, head pointing, light pointing, acoustic pointing)
  • Multichannel-electroencephalography / event-related potentials (ERP)
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
  • Transcranial DC stimulation (tDCS)