Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten / Publications
Jörg Winkelmann
Dissertationen / Diploma, Ph.D. & Habilitation thesis
Bücher / Books
Zeitschriftenartikel / Journal articles
Erschienen / Appeared :
On manifold with trivial logarithmic tangent bundle: The non-Kähler case
Transformation groups (2008)
(mit A. Levin, G. McKinnon):
On the error terms and exceptional
sets in Conjectural Second Main Theorems.
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (2008)
(mit J. Noguchi, K. Yamanoi):
Degeneracy of holomorphic curves into algebraic
varieties. J. Math. Pures Appl. 88, 293-306 (2007)
On a special class of complex tori.
Journal of Lie Theory 16 93-95 (2006)
Non-degenerate Sets and Maps.
Math. Z. 249, 783-795 (2005)
(mit F. Forstneric):
Holomorphic discs with dense images.
Math. Res. Letters12, 265-268 (2005)
On Elliptic Curves in SL2(C)/Gamma,
Schanuel's conjecture and geodesic lengths.
Nagoya J. Math.176, 159-180 (2004)
A splitting criterion for two-dimensional semi-tori.
Journal of Lie Theory
14, 555--561 (2004)
On Varieties with trivial logarithmic tangent bundle.
Osaka J. Math.
41, 473--484 (2004)
(mit J. Noguchi):
Bounds for curves in Semi-Abelian Varieties.
Crelle Journal
572, 27--47 (2004)
Realizing Connected Lie Groups As Automorphism Groups
Of Complex Manifolds
Commentarii Math. Helv.
79, 285--299 (2004)
(mit J. Noguchi):
A note on Jets of Entire Curves in Semi-Abelian Varieties.
Math. Zeitschrift
244, 705-710 (2003)
Invariant Rings and Quasiaffine Quotients.
Math. Zeitschrift
244, 163--174 (2003)
- mit J. Noguchi:
Holomorphic Curves and Integral Points off Divisors.
Math. Z. 239, 593-610 (2002)
- mit J. Noguchi und K. Yamanoi:
The Second Main Theorem for Holomorphic Curves into Semi-Abelian
Acta Mathematica 188, (1), 129-161 (2002)
37 p.
Realizing Countable Groups As Automorphism Groups
of Riemann Surfaces.
documenta math. 6, 413-417 (2001)
Flat vector bundles over Parallelizable Manifolds.
Forum Math. 13, 795-815 (2001)
Generic subgroups of Lie groups.
Topology 41, 163-181 (2002)
Large Discrete Sets in Stein Manifolds.
Math. Z. 236, (4), 883-901 (2001)
How Frequent are discrete cyclic subgroups of semisimple Lie Groups?
documenta mathematica 6 29-36 (2001)
On Complex Analytic Compactifications of Complex Parallelizable
manuscripta mathematica 102 159-161 (2000)
- mit Harm Derksen und Frank Kutzschebauch:
Subvarieties of Cn with non-extendable
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
(Crelle-Journal), 508 213-253 (1999)
A Mergelyan Theorem for Mappings to C2\ R2.
J. Geometric Analysis.
8 335-340 (1998)
A Remark On Spaces of Holomorphic Maps to Taut Manifolds.
Arch. Math. 71, 145-147 (1998)
Holomorphic Self-maps of Complex Parallelizable Manifolds.
Transformation Groups. 3, 103-111 (1998)
- mit D.M.Snow:
Compact Complex Homogeneous Manifolds with Large Automorphism Groups.
Inv. Math. 134, 139 - 144 (1998)
Only Countably Many Simply-Connected Lie Groups Admit Lattices
Complex Analysis and Geometry (Trento 1995).
Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics
Series 366 (1997).
Eds.: V.Ancona, E. Ballico, R.Miro-Roig, A.Silva.
On discrete Zariski-dense subgroups of Algebraic Groups.
Math. Nachrichten 186 , 285 - 302 (1997)
On Compact Orbits in Singular Kähler Spaces.
Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei Serie IX, Volume VIII, 31-38 (1997)
Semicontinuity of the topology of taut manifolds.
International Journal of Mathematics
8 , 149-168 (1997)
Holomorphic Functions on Algebraic Groups Invariant under a Zariski-dense
Proc. Complex Analysis and Geometry.
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math. 173, Marcel Dekker Inc.
(Editors: V.Ancona, E.Ballico, A.Silva)
On C-actions on compact complex manifolds with many
compact orbits.
manuscripta math. 82, 89--91 (1994)
Every compact complex manifold admits a non-trivial
holomorphic vector bundle.
Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 38 743--744 (1993)
- mit A.T. Huckleberry:
Subvarieties of Parallelizable manifolds
Math. Ann. 295, 469--483 (1993)
The Oka-principle for mappings between Riemann surfaces.
L'enseignement mathématique 39 , 143--151 (1993)
Invariant Hyperbolic Stein domains.
manuscripta math. 79 , 329--334 (1993)
On Free Holomorphic C-actions on Cn and
Stein Homogeneous Manifolds.
Math. Ann. 286, 593--612 (1990).
The Kobayashi--Pseudodistance on Homogeneous Manifolds.
manuscripta mathematica 68, 117--134 (1990).
On Automorphisms of Complements of Analytic Subsets in Cn.
Math. Z. 204 , 117--127 (1990).
Akzeptiert / Accepted :
- On Brody and Entire curves
Bull. Soc. Math. France
(mit J. Noguchi, K. Yamanoi):
The Second Main Theorem for Holomorphic Curves into semi-abelian varieties
Forum math.
Eingereicht / Submitted :
Kongreßbeiträge, Ankündigungen
Congress reports & Announcements
Erschienen / Appeared :
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Letzte Änderung / Last modification: 31 Mar 2008
Author: Jörg Winkelmann