Bild Maresch

        Walter V. Maresch


           Research interests

Experimental Petrology and Mineralogy: phase relationships in metamorphic rocks and properties of rock-forming minerals and fluids.

Geodynamic implications of pressure-temperature-deformation-time paths for metamorphic rocks in selected model regions, especially the Caribbean area (Venezuela, Hispaniola, Cuba).


Positions held

Mackenzie River



Academic Functions

International Mineralogical Association (IMA)
German Mineralogical Association (DMG)
Mineralogical Society of America
Ruhr-University Bochum

University of Münster


Academic Honours

Editorships held

International meetings and workshops organized


Books, Monographs and Chapter Contributions to Books

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P. (2024) “Rocks: Description, Identification, Nomenclature, Genesis”. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany, 408p. (ISBN 978-3-510-65554-0)

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Medenbach, O. (2024) “Gesteine: Systematik, Bestimmung, Entstehung”. 4. veränderte Aufl., E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 368p. (ISBN 978-3-510-65552-6).

Schertl, H.-P., Mills, S.J., Maresch, W.V., eds.  (2018): A compendium of IMA-approved mineral nomenclature. International Mineralogical Association, published by E. Schweizerbart´sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 353 pp. (ISBN 978-3-510-65428-4; U-ISBN 1-59326-270-1; e-ISBN 978-3-510-65429-1).

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Medenbach, O. (2016) “Gesteine: Systematik, Bestimmung, Entstehung”. 3. korr. und ergänzte Aufl., E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 368p. (ISBN 978-3-510-65341-6).

Hertwig, A., Maresch, W.V., eds. (2015) Field Guide Volume, XI International Eclogite Conference, Dominican Republic, January 31 – February 7, 2015, 86p.

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Medenbach, O. (2014) “Gesteine: Systematik, Bestimmung, Entstehung”. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 359p.

Maresch, W.V., Urbani, F., Schertl, H.-P., Stanek, K.P. (2010) Subduction/accretion-related high-pressure rocks of Margarita Island, Venezuela. Field Guidebook for IGCP 546 Subduction zones of the Caribbean, November 11-15, 46p.

Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O. (1996) “Gesteine”. Steinbachs Naturführer, Mosaik, München, 288p.

Schreyer, W., Maresch, W.V., Baller, T (1991) “A new hydrous, high-pressure phase with a pumpellyite structure in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O" -- in L.L. Perchuk, ed., Progress in Metamorphic and Magmatic Petrology, p. 47-64, Cambridge University Press.

Maresch, W.V., Blümel, P., Schreyer, W. (1991) “A search for variations in the structural states of cordierite in contact metamorphosed pelites" -- in G. Voll, J. Töpel, D.R.M. Pattison, F. Seifert, eds. Equilibrium and Kinetics in Contact Metamorphism: The Ballachulish Igneous Complex and its Aureole, p. 297-312, Springer.

Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O. (1990) “Gesteine”. Die farbigen Naturführer, Lizenzausgabe, Time Life, 288p.

Maresch, W.V., Medenbach (1990) “Rocas”. Guias Naturaleza, Libros Blume, 288p.

Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O. (1989) “Rocce”. Rizzoli, 288p.

Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O. (1988) “Gesteine”. Die farbigen Naturführer,  Bertelsmann, Gütersloh, 288p.

Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O. (1987) “Gesteine”. Steinbachs Naturführer, Mosaik, München, 288p.

Maresch, W.V. (1983) "The Northern Andes" ‑‑ in M. Moullade & A.E.M. Nairn, eds., The Phanerozoic Geology of the World, II, The Mesozoic, B, p. 121-149, Elsevier.

Maresch, W.V. (1980) "Investigaciones petrológicas y geochímicas en metamorfitas de alta presión del Sistema Montanoso del Caribe, Venezuela" ‑‑ in W. Zeil, ed., Nuevas resultados de la Investigación geocientífica alemana en Latinoamérica, DFG, Bonn, and Inst. de Colab. Científica, Tübingen, p. 75-79.


Pindell, J., Maresch, W.V., Urbani Patat, F., Scherer, E., Schertl, H.-P., Stanek, K., Duan, W.-Y., Villagómez, D. (in review) Late Eocene Lu–Hf ages on Carayaca (Puerto Cabello) eclogites: a key to reconstructing the history of the Cordillera de la Costa Central, northern Venezuela. Journal of the Geological Society, London.

Rui, H.-C., Duan, W.-Y., 3, Yang, J.-S., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Cai, P.-J., Llanes-Castro, A.I., He, H.-P. (2024) Ultrahigh-pressure to high-pressure eclogite in Cuban ophiolitic mélange reveals proto-Caribbean spreading ridge subduction. Geological Society America Bulletin,   [].

Maresch, W.V., Pindell, J., Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Villagómez Díaz, D., Brix, M.R., Thomson, S.N., Stanek, J.P., Schertl, H.-P., Grafe, F. (2024) Three-stage, 70 Myr exhumation of HP-LT rocks on Margarita, Venezuela: Caribbean intra-forearc shear, Grenada Basin rifting, and continental obduction. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 137, 104840 [DOI://]

Knaf, A.C.S., Habiba, H., Shafie, T., Koornneef, J.M., Hertwig, A., Cárdenas-Párraga, J., García-Casco, A., Harlow, G.E., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Hofman, C.L., Brandes, U., Davies, G.R. (2021) Trace-elemental and multi-isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb) characterisation and discrimination analysis of jadeite-jade and omphacite-jade in the Greater Caribbean: Implications for precolonial inter-island exchange networks. Journal of Archaeological Science,

Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Speich, L., Schertl, H.-P., Villagómez, D. (2021) Garnetite, garnet-quartz (‘coticule’) and calcsilicate layers in high-pressure metapelitic rocks, Venezuela: metamorphosed exhalites in a Cretaceous back-arc basin. International Geology Review [DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2021.1891978].

Schertl, H.-P., Hertwig, A., Maresch, W.V. (2019) Cathodoluminescence microscopy of zircon in HP- and UHP-metamorphic rocks: A fundamental technique for assessing the problem of inclusions versus pseudo-inclusions. Journal of Earth Science, 30, 1095-1107 [DOI 10.1007/s12583-019-1246-5]

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Knippenberg, S., Hertwig, A., López Belando, A., Rodríguez Ramos, R., Speich, L., Hofman, C.L. (2019) Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of jadeite-rich artefacts from the Playa Grande excavation site, northern Hispaniola: Evaluation of local provenance from the Río San Juan Complex. in Zhang, L. F., Zhang, Z., Schertl, H.-P. Wei, C. (eds) HP-UHP Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution of Orogenic Belts, Geological Society London Spec. Paper, 474, 231–253. [DOI: 10.1144/SP474.3]

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., Scherer, E., Krebs, M., Berndt, J., Sergeev, S.S., Rodionov, N., Pfänder, J., Hames, W.E. (2019) Born in the Pacific and raised in the Caribbean: construction of the Escambray nappe stack, central Cuba: A Review. European Journal of Mineralogy, 31, 5–34. [DOI: 10.11.27/ejm/2019/0031-2795]

Kawamoto, T., Hertwig, A., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V. (2018) Fluid inclusions in jadeitite and jadeite-rich rock from serpentinite mélanges in northern Hispaniola: trapped ambient fluids in a cold subduction channel. Lithos, 308-309, 227-241.

Hertwig, A., McClelland, W.C., Kitajima, K., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K., Valley, J.W., Sergeev, S.A. (2016) Inherited igneous zircons in jadeitite predate high‑pressure metamorphism and jadeitite formation in the Jagua Clara serpentinite mélange of the Rio San Juan Complex (Dominican Republic). Contributions Mineralogy Petrology, 171:48 (DOI 10.1007/s00410-016-1256-6)

Willner, A.P., Maresch, W.V., Massonne, H.-J., Sandritter, K., Willner, G. (2016) Metamorphic evolution of blueschists, greenschists, and metagreywackes in the Cretaceous Mt. Hibernia Complex (SE Jamaica). European Journal of Mineralogy, 28, 1059-1078 (DOI: 10.1127/ejm/2016/0028-2561)

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Hertwig, A. (2015) Jade in the Serpentinite Mélanges of the Rio San Juan Complex from the Dominican Republic. Acta Geologica Sinica, 89, 79-80 (DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.12308_46)

Hawthorne, F.C., Oberti, R., Harlow, G.E., Maresch, W.V., Martin, R.F., Schumacher, J.C., Welch, M.D. (2012)
Nomenclature of the amphibole supergroup. American Mineralogist, 97, 2031-2048 [DOI:].

Adeagbo, W.A., Doltsinis, N.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg T. (2012) Ca2+ solvation as a function of p, T, and pH from ab initio simulation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 124502 [DOI: 10.1063/1.4754129].

Maresch, W.V., Grevel, C., Stanek, K.P., Schertl, H.-P., Carpenter, M. (2012) Multiple growth mechanisms of jadeite in Cuban metabasite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 24, 217-235 [DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2179].

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Hertwig, A., Krebs, M., Baese, R., Sergeev, S.S. (2012) New occurrences of jadeitite, jadeite quartzite and jadeite-lawsonite quartzite in the Dominican Republic, Hispaniola: Petrological and geochronological overview. European Journal of Mineralogy, 241 99-216 [DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2201].

Gross, J., Maresch W.V., Burchard, M., Schilling, K. (2012) Development of new in situ mass-loss approaches for determining mineral solubility at high pressures and temperatures. Part I: Crystal volume computation method. European Journal of Mineralogy, 24, 97-106 [DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2168].

Pindell, J., Maresch, W.V., Martens, U., Stanek, K.P. (2012) The Greater Antillean Arc: Early Cretaceous origin and proposed relationship to Central American subduction mélanges: implications for models of Caribbean evolution. International Geology Review, 54, 131-143 [DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2010.510008].

Krebs, M., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Draper, G. (2011) Mass flow in serpentinite-hosted subduction channels: P-T-path patterns of metamorphic blocks in the Rio San Juan mélange (Dominican Republic). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42, 569-595 [DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.01.011].

Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T., Doltsinis, N.L., Adeagbo, W.A. (2011) Modelling high-pressure aqueous fluids in the system CaO–SiO2–H2O: A comprehensive semi-empirical thermodynamic formalism. European Journal of Mineralogy, 23, 409-424 [DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2011/0023-2106].

Dachs, E., Baumgartner, I.A., Bertoldi, C., Benisek, A., Maresch, W.V. (2010) Heat capacity and third-law entropy of kaersutite, pargasite, fluoropargasite, tremolite and fluorotremolite. European J. Mineralogy, 22, 319-331 [DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2010/0022-2016]

Maresch, W.V., Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Pindell, J., Krückhans-Lueder, G., Stanek, K., (2009) The occurrence and timing of high-pressure metamorphism on Margarita Island, Venezuela: A constraint on Caribbean-South America interaction. in: James, K.H., Lorente, M.A. & Pindell, J.L., eds., The Origin and Evolution of the Caribbean Plate, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 328, 701-737.

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., Pindell, J. (2009) The geotectonic story of the northwestern branch of the Caribbean arc – implications from structural and geochronological data of Cuba. – in: James, K.H., Lorente, M.A. & Pindell, J.L., eds., The Origin and Evolution of the Caribbean Plate, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 328, 361-398.

Maresch, W.V., Welch, M.D., Gottschalk, M., Ruthmann, W., Czank, M. (2009) Synthetic amphiboles and triple-chain silicates in the system Na2O-MgO-SiO2-H2O: phase characteristics, compositional relations and excess H. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 957-996.

Perchuk, A.L., Davidova, V.V., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Yapaskurt, V.O., Safonov, O.G. (2009) Modification of mineral inclusions in garnet under high-pressure conditions: experimental simulation and application to the carbonate-silicate rocks of Kokchetav massif.  Russian Geology and Geophysics, 50, 1153-1168.

Perchuk, A.L., Burchard, M., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T.V., Bernhardt, Vidal O., (2009) Diffusion of divalent cations in garnet: multi-couple experiments. Contrib. Mineralogy Petrology, 157, 573-592 [DOI 10.1007/200410-008-0353-6].

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2008) The solubility of natural grossular-rich garnet in pure water at high pressures and temperature., 20, 845-855.

Gross, J., Burchard, M., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V. (2008) Common high-pressure metamorphic history of eclogite lenses and surrounding metasediments: a case study of calc-silicate reaction zones (Erzgebirge, Germany). Eur. J. Mineralogy, 20, 757-775.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.P., Baumann, A., Draper, G, Idleman, B., Münker, C., Trapp, E. (2008) The dynamics of intra-oceanic subduction zones: A direct comparison between fossil petrological evidence (Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic) and numerical simulation. Lithos, 103, 106-137 [doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.09.003].

Perchuk, A.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P. (2008) Melting of hydrous and carbonate mineral inclusions in garnet host during ultrahigh pressure experiments. Lithos, 103, 25-45 [doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.09.008].

Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T. (2007) Von hohen Löslichkeiten in tiefer Erde: Des Wassers steinerne Fracht. RUBIN (Wissenschaftsmagazin der Ruhr-Universität Bochum),  2/2007, 28-35.

Cruz, E.M., Maresch, W.V., Cáceres, D., Balcázar, N. (2007) Significado de las paragénesis de anfíboles en metagrabos relacionados con secuencias de margen continental en el NW de Cuba. Rev. Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 24, 318-327.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (2007) The significance of the reaction path in synthesizing single-phase amphibole of defined composition. Rev. Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 67, 287-322.

Doltsinis, N.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Boese, A.D., Fockenberg, T. (2007) Ab initio molecular dynamics study of dissolved SiO2 in supercritical water. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 6, 49-62.

Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O. (2006) Diamant – Ein einzigartiger Stoff von vielfältiger Bedeutung.  Geographie Heute: System Erde -Mensch, Heft 243, Friedrich Verlag, 34-35, + DVD.

Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Hoernes, S. (2006) Petrology and geodynamic significance of deerite-bearing metaquartzites from the Escambray Massif, Cuba. Mineralogical Magazine, 70, 527-546.

Hatert, F., Fransolet, A.-M., Maresch, W.V. (2006) The stability of primary alluaudites in granitic pegmatites: an experimental investigation of the Na2(Mn1-xFe2+x)2Fe3+(PO4)3 solid solution. Contrib. Mineralogy Petrology, 152, 399-419.

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2006) Experimental determination of the solubility of natural wollastonite in pure water up to pressures of 5 GPa and at temperatures of 400 - 800°C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70, 1796-1806.

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., Grafe, F., Grevel, C., Baumann, A. (2006) Structure, tectonics and metamorphic development of the Sancti Spiritus Dome, eastern Escambray, Central Cuba. Geológica Acta, 4, 151-170 [DOI: 10.1344/105.000000362].

Pindell, J., Kennan, L., Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., Draper, G. (2006) Foundations of Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean evolution: eight controversies resolved. Geológica Acta, 4, 303-341 [DOI: 10.1344/105.000000371].

Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T.V. (2006) Blueschists and blue amphiboles: How much subduction do they need? in J.G. Liou and Mark Cloos, eds., Phase Relations, High-Pressure Terranes, P-T-ometry, and Plate Pushing: A Tribute to W.G. Ernst, International Book Series, 9, Bellwether Publ. Ltd. for the Geological Society of America. 23-37 (2006).

Perchuk, A.L., Burchard, M, Maresch, W.V., Schertl, W.V. (2005) Fluid-mediated modification of garnet interiors under ultrahigh-pressure conditions. Terra Nova, 17, 545-553.

Balcázar, N., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.P., Baumann, A., Krebs, M. (2005) Petrology of the high-pressure Basal Unit, Morais Complex, NE Portugal.  Indian Journal of Geology, Aniruddha De Memorial Volume, 75, 9-37 (2003, in print 2005).

Pindell, J., Kennan, L., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Draper, G., Higgs, R. (2005) Plate-kinematics and crustal dynamics of circum-Caribbean arc-continent interactions: Tectonic controls on basin development in Proto-Caribbean margins, in Avé Lallemant, H.G., and Sisson, V.B. eds., Caribbean–South American plate interactions, Venezuela. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 394, 7–52.

Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T.V. (2005) Blueschists and blue amphiboles: How much subduction do they need? International Geology Review, 47, 688-702.

Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M., Zakhartchouk, V., Doltsinis, N.L., Fockenberg, T. (2005) Thermodynamic modeling of solubility and speciation of silica in H2O-SiO2 fluid up to 1300 °C and 20 kbar based on the chain reaction formalism. Eur. J. Mineralogy, 17, 269-283.

Gerya, T.V., Uken, R., Reinhardt, J., Watkeys, M.K., Maresch, W.V., Clarke, B.M. (2004) Cold diapirs triggered by intrusion of the Bushveld Complex: Insight from two-dimensional numerical modeling. in Gneiss Domes in Orogeny, D.L. Whitney, C. Teyssier, C.S. Siddoway, eds., GSA Special Pape, 380, 117-128.

Gerya, T.V., Perchuk, L.L., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P., (2004) Inherent gravitational instability of hot continental crust: Implications for doming and diapirism in granulite facies terrains. in Gneiss Domes in Orogeny, D.L. Whitney, C. Teyssier, C.S. Siddoway, eds., GSA Special Paper, 380, 97-116.

Cámara, F., Oberti, R., Della Ventura, G., Welch, M.D., Maresch, W.V. (2004) The crystal structure of synthetic NaNa2Mg5Si8O21(OH)3, a triclinic C1 amphibole with a triple-cell and H excess. American Mineralogist, 89, 1464-1473.

Gerya, T.V., Yuen, D.A., Maresch, W.V. (2004) Thermomechanical modelling of slab detachment. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 226, 101-116.

 Gerya, T.V., Podlesskii, K.K., Perchuk, L.L., Maresch, W.V. (2004) Semi-empirical Gibbs free-energy formulations for minerals and fluids for use in thermodynamic databases of petrological interest.Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 31, 429-455.

Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., (2004) Metapelites of the Kanskiy Granulite Complex (Eastern Siberia): Kinked PT- paths and geodynamic model. Jour. Petrology, 45, 1393-1412.

Gerya, T.V., Uken, R., Reinhardt, J., Watkeys, M.K., Maresch, W.V., Clarke B.M. (2003) Cold fingers in a hot magma: Numerical modeling of country-rock diapirs in the Bushveld Complex,  South Africa. Geology, 31,  753-756 .

Kahl, W.A., Maresch, W.V., Welch, M.D. (2003) Enthalpy of formation of pargasite by high-temperature solution calorimetry and heat capacity of pargasite and fluoropargasite by differential scanning calorimetry. Eur. J. Mineralogy, 15, 617-628.

Burchard, M., Zaitsev, A.M., Maresch, W.V. (2003) Extending the pressure and temperature limits of hydrothermal diamond anvil cells. Reviews of Scientific Instruments, 74, 1263-1266.

Gerya, T.V., Pechuk, L.L., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P., Van Reenen, D.D., Smit, C.A. (2002) Thermal regime and gravitational instability of multi-layered continental crust: implications for the buoyant exhumation of high-grade metamorphic rocks. Eur. J. Mineralogy, 14, 687-699.

Willner, A.P., Sebazungu, E., Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Krohe, A. (2002) Numerical modelling of PT-paths related to rapid exhumation of high-pressure rocks from the crustal root in the Variscan Erzgebirge Dome (Saxony/Germany).  J. Geodynamics, 33, 281-314.

Kahl, W.A., Maresch, W.V. (2001) Enthalpies of formation of tremolite and talc by high temperature solution calorimetry ¾ a consistent picture. Am. Mineralogist, 86, 1345-1357.

Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P., Van Reenen, D.D., Smit, C.A. (2001) Inherent gravitational instability of thickened continental crust with regionally developed low- to medium-pressure granulite facies metamorphism. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 190, 221-235.

Grafe, F., Stanek, K.P., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V., Hames, W.E., Grevel, C., Millán, G. (2001) Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages of granitoid intrusives in the Mabujina unit, Central Cuba: Thermal exhumation history of the Escambray Massif. Journal of Geology, 109, 615-631.

Zaitsev, A.M., Burchard, M., Meijer J., Stephan, A., Burchard, B., Fahrner, W.R., Maresch, W.V. (2001) Diamond pressure and temperature sensors for high-pressure high-temperature applications. phys. stat. sol., 185,  59-64.

Enders, M., Speer, D., Maresch, W.V., McCammon, C. (2000) Ferrous/ferric iron ratios in sodic amphiboles: Mössbauer analysis, stoichiometry-based model calculations and the high-resolution microanalytical flank method. Contrib. Mineral. Petrology, 140, 135-147.

Maresch, W.V. (2000) Pressure-temperature evolution of metamorphic rocks: records of a dynamic earth.

Gottschalk, M., Fockenberg T., Grevel, K.-D., Wunder, B., Wirth, R., Schreyer, W., Maresch, W.V. (2000) Crystal structure of the high-pressure phase Mg4(MgAl)Al4[Si6O21(OH)7]: an analogue of sursassite. Eur. J. Mineralogy, 12, 935-945.

Stanek, K.P., Cobiella-Reguera, J., Maresch, W.V., Millán Trujillo, G., Grafe, F., Grevel, C.  Geological development of Cuba. Z. Angew. Geol., SH1, 259-265.

Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Baumann, A., Kaiser, C., Kluge, R., Krückhans-Lueder, G. Brix, M., Thomson, S. (2000) Crustal history and plate tectonic development in the southeastern Caribbean. Z. Angew. Geol., SH1, 283-290.

Willner, A.P., Krohe, A., Maresch, W.V. (2000) Interrelated P-T-t-d – paths in the Variscan Erzgebirge Dome (Saxony/Germany): Constraints on the rapid exhumation of high pressure rocks from the root zone of a collisional orogen. International Geology Review, 42, 64-85.

Fischer, H., Schreyer, W., Maresch, W.V. (1999) Magnesiogedrite: a stable phase in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (MASH) at 800°C and 10 kbar water pressure, and the influence of FeNaCa impurities. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 136, 184-191.

Schumacher, R., Rötzler, Maresch, W.V. (1999) Subtle oscillatory zoning in garnet from regional metamorphic phyllites and mica schists, Western Erzgebirge, Germany. Can. Mineralogist, 37, 381-402.

Rötzler, K., Schumacher, R., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P. (1998) Characterization and geodynamic implications of contrasting metamorphic evolution in juxtaposed high-pressure units in the Western Erzgebirge (Saxony, Germany). Eur. J. Mineral., 10, 261-280.

Leake, B.E., Woolley, A.R., Arps, C.E.P., Birch, W.D., Gilbert, M.C., Grice, J.D., Hawthorne, F.C., Kato, A., Kisch, H.J., Krivovichev, G., Linthout, K., Laird, J., Mandarino,  J., Maresch, W.V., Nickel, E..H., Rock, N.M.P., Schumacher, J.C., Smith, D.C., Stephenson, N.C.N., Ungaretti, L., Whittaker, E.J.W., Youzhi, G. (1998) Nomenclature of amphiboles: Report of the subcommittee on amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names.  American Mineralogist, 63, 023-1052.

Willner, A.P., Rötzler, K., Maresch, W.V. (1997) Pressure-temperature and fluid evolution of quartzo-feldspathic metamorphic rocks with a relic high-pressure, granulite-facies history from the Central Erzgebirge (Saxony/Germany).  Jour. Petrol., 38, 307-336.

Leake, B.E., Woolley, A.R., Arps, C.E.P., Birch, W.D., Gilbert, M.C., Grice, J.D., Hawthorne, F.C., Kato, A., Kisch, H.J., Krivovichev, G., Linthout, K., Laird, J., Mandarino,  J., Maresch, W.V., Nickel, E..H., Rock, N.M.P., Schumacher, J.C., Smith, D.C., Stephenson, N.C.N., Ungaretti, L., Whittaker, E.J.W., Youzhi, G. (1997) Nomenclature of amphiboles: Report of the subcommittee on amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names.  Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 295-321.

Leake, B.E., Woolley, A.R., Arps, C.E.P., Birch, W.D., Gilbert, M.C., Grice, J.D., Hawthorne, F.C., Kato, A., Kisch, H.J., Krivovichev, G., Linthout, K., Laird, J., Mandarino,  J., Maresch, W.V., Nickel, E..H., Rock, N.M.P., Schumacher, J.C., Smith, D.C., Stephenson, N.C.N., Ungaretti, L., Whittaker, E.J.W., Youzhi, G. (1997) Nomenclature of amphiboles: Report of the subcommittee on amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names.  Eur. J. Mineral., 9, 623-651.

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Maresch, W.V. (1996) Druck-Temperatur-Zeit-Deformations-Pfade kristalliner Gesteine als interdisziplinäre Testkriterien für plattentektonische Modelle -- Beispiel Karibik.  Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Gesellsch., 141, 21-34.

Liu, S., Welch, M.D., Klinowski, J., Maresch, W.V.  (1996) A MAS NMR study of a monoclinic/triclinic phase transition in an amphibole with excess OH; Na3Mg5Si8O21(OH)3.  Eur. J. Mineral., 8, 223-229.

Bocchio, R., De Capitani, L., Liborio, L., Maresch, W.V., Mottana, A. (1996) Equilibration conditions of eclogite lenses from Isla Margarita, Venezuela: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the metasedimentary Juan Griego Group. Lithos, 37, 39-59.

Stöckhert, B., Maresch, W.V., Brix, M., Kaiser, C., Kluge, R., Krückhans-Lueder, G., Toetz, A. (1995) The crustal history of Margarita Island (Venezuela) in detail: A constraint on the Caribbean plate-tectonic scenario. Geology, 23, 787-790.

Maresch, W.V. (1994) European Journal of Mineralogy 1989-1994: The early years of a new and successful international venture. PLINIUS, Soc. Ital. Miner. Petrol.,  12, 163-175.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M., Schreyer, W. (1994) Growth mechanisms, structural defects and composition of synthetic tremolite: What are the effects on macroscopic properties? Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 118, 297-313.

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Daniels, P., Maresch, W.V., Sahl, K., Schreyer, W. (1992) Electron optical and X-ray diffraction studies on synthetic and natural potassic cordierites. Contr. Mineral. Petrol., 111, 484-492.

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Schreyer, W., Maresch W.V., Daniels, P., Wolfsdorff, P. (1990) Potassic cordierites: characteristic minerals for high-temperature, very low-pressure environments. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 105, 162-173.

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Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (1988) Crystal chemistry, growth kinetics and phase relationships of structurally disordered (Mn2+,Mg)-amphiboles, Fortschr. Mineral., 66, 69-121.

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Schreyer, W., Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O., Baller, T. (1986) Calcium-free pumpellyite: A new synthetic hydrous Mg‑silicate formed at high pressures. Nature, 321, 510‑511.

Mirwald, P.W.,  Jochum, C., Maresch, W.V. (1986) Rate studies on hydration and dehydration of synthetic Mg-cordierite. Mat. Sci. Forum, 5, 113‑122.

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Maresch, W.V., Massonne, H.-J., Czank, M. (1985) Ordered and disordered chlorite/biotite interstratifications as alteration products of chlorite. N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 152, 79-100.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (1985) The optical and X-ray properties of Li2Mg2[Si4O11], a new type of chain silicate. N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 1985, 289-297.

Beets, D.J., Maresch, W.V., Klaver, G., Mottana, A., Bocchio, R., Beunk, F.F., Monen, H.P. (1984) Magmatic rock series and high-pressure metamorphism as constraints on the tectonic history of the southern Caribbean. Geol. Soc. America Memoir, 162, 95-130.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (1983) Problems of compositional and structural uncertainty in synthetic hydroxyl-amphiboles; with an annotated atlas of the Realbau. Per. Mineral., 52, 463-542.

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Maresch, W.V., Abraham, K. (1981) Petrography, mineralogy, and metamorphic evolution of an eclogite from the Island of Margarita, Venezuela. Jour. Petrology, 22, 337-362.

Mirwald, P.W., Maresch, W.V. (1980) Ein Hochdruckphasenübergang in Cordierit. Naturwissenschaften, 67, 253-254.

Medenbach, O., Maresch, W.V., Mirwald, P.W., Schreyer, W. (1980) Variation of refractive index of synthetic Mg-cordierite with H2O-content. Amer. Mineralogist, 65, 367-373.

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Maresch, W.V. (1979, in print 1985) The significance of employing key minerals and mineral assemblages for a regional correlation of metamorphic rocks in the southeastern Caribbean area. Trans. IV Latin American Geol. Conf., Trinidad & Tobago, 1979, 866-872.

Maresch, W.V. (1977) Experimental studies on glaucophane: an analysis of present knowledge. Tectonophysics, 43, 109-125.

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Maresch, W.V. (1976) Implications of a Mesozoic to Early Tertiary collision-type plate-tectonic model in northern Venezuela for the southern Caribbean region. Trans. VII Carib. Geol. Conf., Saint-François (Guadeloupe), 1974, 485-491.

Maresch, W.V., Langer, K. (1976) Synthesis, lattice constants and OH-valence vibrations of an orthorhombic amphibole with excess OH in the system Li2O-MgO-SiO2-H2O" ‑‑ Contr. Mineral. Petrol., 56, 27-34.

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Kroll, H., Maresch, W.V. (2021) Obituary for Hans Ulrich Bambauer (1929-2921). Elements, 17, 281.

Maresch, W.V., Armbruster, T., Schertl, H.-P. (2019) A special issue devoted to Christian Chopin, in recognition of 30 years of dedicated service to the European Journal of Mineralogy. Preface. Eur. J. Mineralogy, 31, 661–663 [DOI:10.1127/ejm/2019/0031-2886]

Maresch, W.V., Kreher-Hartmann, B. (2017) Georeport: Jubiläumstagung der Russischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. GMit., 70, 106-107,

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., McClelland, W.C., Mattinson, G.C. (2016) Preface: Blueschist- to eclogite-facies rocks: from HP to UHP. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28, 1027-1028 [DOI: 10.1127/ejm/2016/0028-2605]

Maresch, W. (2016) Erhard Nägele (1933 – 2016). GMit, 65, 98.

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Maresch, W.V. (2013) From the president: Society News, International Mineralogical Association. Elements, 9, 135.

Chopin, C., Maresch, W.V. (2010) The Historical Corner: Editorial. European Journal of Mineralogy, 22, 895–896 [DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2010/0022-2085]

Maresch, W.V. (2010) IMA medal – call for nominations: Society News, International Mineralogical Association. Elements, 6, 342.

Maresch, W.V., Grew, E., Seifert, F. (2008) From field observation to experimental petrology and back: A special issue to honour Werner Schreyer, Preface. Eur. J. Mineralogy, 20, 691–692 [DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2008/0020-1884].

Maresch, W., Grew, E., Seifert, F. (2007) People in the News: Werner Schreyer honoured at the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany, August 20-24, 2007. Elements, 3, 376.

Seifert, F., Maresch, W.V. (2007) Memorial of Werner Schreyer, 1930-2006. Am. Mineralogist, 92, 708-710.

Maresch, W.V. (2006) In memoriam Werner Schreyer (1930-2006). Elements, 2, 187.

Zaitsev, A., Burchard, M., Burchard B., Denisenko, A.V., Fahrner, W.R., Meijer, J., Maresch, WV. (2002) Pressure and Temperature Sensor. International patent disclosure document, International disclosure no. WO01/71303 A2 (2001).

Maresch, W.V. (2000) Pressure-temperature evolution of metamorphic rocks: records of a dynamic earth.

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Maresch, W.V., Medenbach, O., Willner, A. (1988) Book review of "Gesteinsbildende Minerale im Dünnschliff", 1987, von H. Pichler and C. Schmitt-Riegraf.  N. Jb. Mineral. Mh.,  1988, 188-192.

Maresch, W.V. (1985) Phasenpetrologische und kristallchemische Untersuchungen an synthetischen (Mn2+,Mg)‑Amphibolen. Habilitationsschrift, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 169 p.

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Maresch, W.V. (1971) The Metamorphism and Structure of Northeastern Margarita Island, Venezuela. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, 278 p.

Maresch, W.V. (1966) A study of growth mechanisms in pyrite crystals. Bachelor of Science Thesis University of Toronto, 58 p.


Maresch W.V., Hertwig, A., Schertl, H.P. (2022) The mysteries of jadeite jade, a monitor of subduction-zone fluids. 100th Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, Cologne, Germany. DOI 10.48380/pa7f-8x53

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V. (2022): Jadeitite and rodingite in serpentinite from the Dominican Republic - the role of fluids. 23rd meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), Lyon, France, abstract volume, OL14_1.

Schertl, H.-P., Dreizler, M., Chopin, C., Willner, A.P., Maresch, W.V. (2019): Jadeite-rich rocks and their blueschist host from Queyras (Pennine Units), Western Alps, France: the neglected locality. IEC-2019 abstract volume, 74. 13th International Eclogite Conference, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia.

Knippenberg, S., Rodríguez Ramos, R., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Hertwig, A., García-Casco, A., Harlow, G.E., López, A., Hofman, C.L. (2019): The Use of Jade in the Caribbean. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Bern.

Maresch W.V., Schertl H.-P., Hertwig, A., Kawamoto, T. (2018) The genesis of jadeitite and jadeite-rich rocks. International Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Academician Vladimir Stepanovich Sobolev: The problems of magmatic and metamorphic petrology, geodynamics and genesis of diamonds. Novosibirsk. Abstract Volume, p. 131.

Schertl H.P., Maresch W.V., Hertwig, A. (2018) Jadeitites and related HP-rocks from Hispaniola and their bearing on the dynamics of subduction zones. International Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Academician Vladimir Stepanovich Sobolev: The problems of magmatic and metamorphic petrology, geodynamics and genesis of diamonds. Novosibirsk. Abstract volume, p. 162

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Hertwig, A. Krebs, M. (2017) Panta rhei – concepts for the formation of jadeite-rich rocks. 200th Anniversary Meeting of the Russian Mineraloigcal Society, St. Petersburg, Russia, Conf. Proceedings, Vol. 2, p. 260-261.

Schertl, H.-P., Hertwig, A., Maresch, W.V., Knippenberg , S., Lopez, A., Hofmann, C. (2016) Jadeitites and related HP-rocks from the Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic: Petrological characterization and archeological implications. 35th  International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

Knaf, A.C.S., Koornneef, J.M., Hertwig, A., Cárdenas-Párraga, J., García-Casco, A., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Andrieu, C., Hofman, C.L., Davies, G.R. (2016) “Non-invasive” portable laser ablation sampling for Sr-Nd-Pb isotope provenance of precolonial Caribbean Jadeitite artefacts. Annual Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Preservation Conference (Jährliche Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege Tagung 2016),Goettingen, Germany.

Schertl, H.-P., Hertwig A., Maresch W., Li X.-P. (2016) Petrological significance of mineral inclusions in accessory minerals of HP and UHP rocks: the problem of inclusions and “pseudo-inclusions”. EMC2016, 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, Rimini, 2016, Abstract volume, 581.

Knaf, A.C.S., Koornneef, J.M., Hertwig, A., Cárdenas-Párraga, J., García-Casco, A., Schertl, H.-P., V. Maresch, W., Hofman, C.L., Davies, G.R. (2016) “Non-invasive” portable laser ablation sampling for Sr-Nd-Pb-isotope provenance of precolonial Caribbean jadeite artefacts, ISA (International Symposium of Archaeometry) 2016 in Kalamata

Kawamoto, T., Hertwig, A., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Shigeno, M., Mori, Y., Tadao Nishiyama, T. (2015) Saline fluids in subduction channels and mantle wedge. Abstract #85510 AGU2015.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Hertwig, A. (2015) Jade in the Serpentinite Mélanges of the Rio San Juan Complex from the Dominican Republic. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 89 (supp. 2): 79-80.

Kawamoto, T., Hertwig, A., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V. (2015) Aqueous fluids with salinity similar to seawater in subduction channels: Fluid inclusions in jadeite-rich rocks from serpentinite mélange, Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic. Goldschmidt Abstracts, Budapest, 2015, 1537.

Willner, A.P., Maresch, W.V., Massonne, H.J., Willner, G. (2015) Metamorphic conditions of blueschists in the Mt. Hibernia Schists, Jamaica. XI International Eclogite Conference, Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic, January 31 – February 7, 2015, Abstract Volume, 105.

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V. (2015) Age of peak metamorphism of eclogites from the Escambray Massif, Cuba. XI International Eclogite Conference, Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic, January 31 – February 7, 2015, Abstract Volume, 96.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Hertwig, A. (2015) High-pressure metamorphic rocks in serpentinite-hosted mélanges of the Dominican Republic: the role of jadeitites. XI International Eclogite Conference, Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic, January 31 – February 7, 2015, Abstract Volume, 92.

Schertl, H.-P., Hertwig, A., Knippenberg, S., Maresch, W.V., Speich, L., López, A., Hofman, C.L., Rodríguez Ramos, R. (2015) Jade artefacts from the Playa Grande site, Dominican Republic: mineralogical characterization and archeological implications. XI International Eclogite Conference, Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic, January 31 – February 7, 2015, Abstract Volume, 91.

Hertwig, A., McClelland, W.C., Kitajima, K., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Valley, J.W. (2015) XI International Eclogite Conference, Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic, January 31 – February 7, 2015, Abstract Volume, 49.

Schertl, H.-P., Hertwig, A., Knippenberg, S., Maresch, W., Speich, L., López, A., Hofmann, C., Rodríguez Ramos, R. (2015) Jade artefacts from the Playa Grande site, Dominican Republic: mineralogical characterization and archeological implications. 21st meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa, Abstract Volume (A joint publication of the Geological Society of South Africa and the Mineralogical Association of South Africa), ISBN: 978-0-620-60082-8, p. 202.

Schertl, H., Maresch, W., Hertwig, A. (2015) High-pressure metamorphic rocks in serpentinite-hosted mélanges of the Dominican Republic: the role of jadeitites. 21st meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa, Abstract Volume (A joint publication of the Geological Society of South Africa and the Mineralogical Association of South Africa), ISBN: 978-0-620-60082-8, p. 201.

Hertwig, A., McClelland, W., Kitajima, K., Schertl, H., Maresch, W., Valley, J. (2015) A comprehensive ion microprobe study on zircon from jadeitites and related rocks from the Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic. 21st meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa, Abstract Volume (A joint publication of the Geological Society of South Africa and the Mineralogical Association of South Africa), ISBN: 978-0-620-60082-8, p. 198.

Maresch, W. (2014) To be or not to be an eclogite, that is the question: the amphibolite-eclogite transition revisited (plenary lecture by the IMA president). 21st meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa, Abstract Volume (A joint publication of the Geological Society of South Africa and the Mineralogical Association of South Africa), ISBN: 978-0-620-60082-8, p. 3.

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H-P., Hertwig, A. (2013) Fluid-precipitated jadeitites and jadeite-lawsonite-quartz rocks from the Dominican Republic: Novel records of aqueous fluids in an intra-oceanic subduction zone. Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada, 2013: Program with Abstracts Volume 36, 137.

Knippenberg, S., Rodríguez Ramos, R., Schertl, H.P., Maresch, W.V., Hertwig, A., García-Casco, A., Harlow, G.E., López, A., Hofman, C.L. (2012) The manufacture and exchange of jadeitite celts in the Caribbean. European Mineralogical Conference, Frankfurt, Abstract Volume 1, EMC2012-400.

Hertwig, A., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P. (2012) Jadeitite and various types of jadeite-bearing rocks from the Dominican Republic: implications from new discoveries and observations. European Mineralogical Conference, Frankfurt, Abstract Volume 1, EMC2012-247.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W., Hertwig, A., Knippenberg, S., Lopez, A. (2012): A new occurrence of jade from the Dominican Republic: first description, analytical data and archeological implications. 7th International Conference on Mineralogy and Museums, August 27 – 29, 2012, Dresden, Germany.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Krebs, M. (2011) Mass flow in serpentinite-hosted subduction channels: tracing the journey of metamorphic blocks in the Rio San Juan mélange (Dominican Republic). 9th International Eclogite Conference, Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic. Program & Abstracts, 63-64.

Maresch, W.V. (2011) Margarita Island: the 120 Myr logbook of its journey from Colombia to the Oriente of Venezuela (invited paper). 14th Latin American Geological Congress and 13th Colombian Geological Congress, August 29 - September 2, Medellín, Colombia.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Petersen, F. (2011) Massive garnetite from Margarita Island, Venezuela: a metamorphosed placer deposit.  In: Götz, S., Bengtson, P., Cueto Berciano, F.J., Stinnesbeck, W., eds, 22nd International Colloquium on Latin American Sciences, Abstract and Programme. GAEA heidelbergensis 18, 197.

Baese, R., Maresch, W.V., Schenk, V., Schertl, H.P. (2010)  Geochemistry of jadeitites and jadeite-lawsonite rocks from the Rio San Juan Complex (northern Dominican Republic): Interaction between jadeitite-forming fluids and metamorphic rocks within a subduction channel. 88th Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, Münster, Abstract S09-T06, 119.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Krebs, M. (2010) In-situ jadeitite in blueschist country rocks from the Dominican Republic: mode of occurrence and genesis.  IMA Budapest, Acta Mineral. Petrogr. Abstr. Ser., Szeged, 6, 601.

Maresch, W.V., Grevel, C., Stanek, K.P., Schertl, H.-P., Carpenter, M. (2010) “Jadeitites” of the Escambray Massif, Central Cuba: An evaluation.  IMA Budapest, Acta Mineral. Petrogr. Abstr. Ser., Szeged, 6, 599.

Baese, R., Maresch, W.V., Schenk, V., Schertl, H.P. (2010) Geochemistry of jadeitites and jadeite-lawsonite rocks in a serpentinite mélange (Rio San Juan Complex, northern Dominican Republic): Constraints on fluid composition in a subduction channel environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly, 12, EGU2010-5249.

Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M., Doltsinis, N.L., Gross, J., Fockenberg, T. (2009) Aqueous silicate solutions in metamorphic rocks at high pressures: What do we still need to know and how do we get the data? 87. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Abstracts, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenchaften, 31, 155.

Adeagbo, W.A., Doltsinis, L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T. (2009) Speciation of Ca2+ in water as a function of temperature, pressure and pH: Ab-initio molecular dynamics simulation study. 87. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Abstracts, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenchaften, 31, 15.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Krebs, M. (2009) In-situ jadeitite in blueschists from the Dominican Republic: Formation by fluid-driven mass transport or metamorphism of appropriate protolith? 8th International Eclogite Conference, China (2009).

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., (2009) The development of the northern Caribbean Arc: gochronological constraints from island-arc related rock suites in Central Cuba. Workshop on ‘Circum-Caribbean and North American tectonomagmatic evolution: impacts on paleoclimate and resource formation’, Cardiff, Abstract Volume, 24.

Maresch, W.V., Pindell, J., Stanek, K.P. (2009) Migration of the Great Caribbean Arc relative to the Americas, Part 2: History of subduction and collision along the arc. Workshop on “Circum-Caribbean and North American tectonomagamtic evolution: impacts on paleoclimate and resource formation”, Cardiff, Abstract Volume, 23.

Pindell, J., Maresch, W.V. (2009) Migration of the Great Caribbean Arc relative to the Americas, Part 1: Plate kinematics derived from arc-continent interaction. Workshop on “Circum-Caribbean and North American tectonomagamtic evolution: impacts on paleoclimate and resource formation”, Cardiff, Abstract Volume, 17.

Gross, J., Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M. (2009) Determining mineral solubilites at HP and HT using new geometric and birefringence approaches. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 13, Suppl. 1, A469.

Maresch, W.V., Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Pindell, J., Krückhans-Lueder, G., Stanek, K.P. (2009) Early Caribbean-South American interaction: The evidence from Margarita Island, Venezuela. G. Wörner and S. Möller-McNett, eds., Abstracts and Program, Int’l Lateinamerika-Kolloquium 2009, Göttingen, 167-169, Universitätsdrucke Göttingen.

Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Doltsinis, N.L., Fockenberg, T., Adeagbo, W.A. (2008) A complete thermodynamic formalism for high-pressure aqueous silicate solutions in the model system CaO-SiO2-H2O. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 12S, A119.

Perchuk, A., Davidova, V., Yapaskurt, V.V., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P. (2009) Diagnostic evidence for melt within metamorphic garnet. 33rd Int. Geol. Congress, Oslo, Abstracts.

Perchuk, A.L., Davidova, V.V., Yapaskurt, V.O., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P. (2008) Effects of dehydration melting of mineral inclusions at high-pressure metamorphic conditions.  International Symposium “Lithosphere petrology and origin of diamond”, Novosibirsk, Abstract Vol., 180.

Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M., Doltsinis, N.L., Fockenberg, T., Adeagbo, W.A. (2008) Comprehensive thermodynamic descriptions for high-pressure aqueous silicate solutions: The model system CaO-SiO2-H2O. International Symposium “Lithosphere petrology and origin of diamond”, Novosibirsk, Abstract Vol., 171.

Schertl, H.-P., Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Draper, G. (2008) The intra-oceanic Rio San Juan Complex (Northern Dominican Republic) and its eclogites: Petrography, PT-paths, consequences. 18th Geological Caribbean Conference, Abstract and Program Vol., 65.

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Krebs, M., Baese, R., Draper, G. (2008) Jadeitite from the Rio San Juan Complex, Northern Dominican Republic. 18th Geological Caribbean Conference, Abstract and Program Vol., 41.

Draper, G., Abbott, R.A., Escuder-Viruete, J., Joyce, J., Krebs M., Maresch, W.V., Perez-Estaún, A., Pindell, J.P., Schertl, H.-P. (2008) Tectonic overview of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene subduction zone rocks of Hispaniola. 18th Geological Caribbean Conference, Abstract and Program Vol., 21-22.

Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Krebs, M., Stanek, K.P. (2008) Jadeitite as a monitor of subduction-zone fluids: The Rio San Juan Serpentinite Complex (Dominican Republic). Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 197.

Schertl, H.-P., Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Draper, G. (2007) Jadeitite from Hispaniola: a link between Guatemala and Antigua? 20th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Kiel, Germany, Abstract Vol., 167-168.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G. (2007) Fossil petrological evidence (Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic) and numerical simulation yield analogous histories for the Great Arc of the northern Caribbean. 20th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Kiel, Germany, Abstract Vol., 105-106.

Perchuk, A.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl., H.-P. (2007) Interaction of mineral inclusions, melt and garnet host under ultrahigh pressure Conditions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 00412.

Perchuk, A.L., Schertl, H.-P., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T.V., Bernhardt, H.-J. (2007) Diffusivities of major divalent cations in gem quality and chemically heterogeneous garnets: multi-couple experiments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 415.

Perchuk, A.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P. (2007) Breakdown of hydrous and carbonate mineral inclusions in garnet under P-T conditions of diamondiferous metamorphic complexes. International Eclogite Field Symposium, Paisley, Scotland; Abstract Vol., 91-92.

Krebs, M., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V. (2007) The HP-Knockers of the Rio San Juan Serpentinite Mélange (Northern Dominican Republic): Various rock types, diverse PTt-paths but a genetically coherent subduction environment. International Eclogite Field Symposium, Paisley, Scotland, Abstract Vol., 61-62.

Maresch, W.V. (2007) History of subduction and collision: Margarita Island, Venezuela (invited paper). In: Martens, U. & Garcia-Casco, A. eds., “High-pressure belts of Central Guatemala: The Motagua Suture and the Chuacus Complex”, IGCP 546 Special Contribution, 1, Guatemala, December 3-9, 2007. Abstracts: igcp546/

Schertl, H.-P., Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V. (2007) The Rio San Juan serpentinite complex and its jadeitites (Dominican Republic). In: Martens, U. & Garcia-Casco, A. eds., “High-pressure belts of Central Guatemala: The Motagua Suture and the Chuacus Complex”, IGCP 546 Special Contribution, 1, 10, Guatemala, December 3-9, 2007. Abstracts: igcp546.

Baese, R., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V. (2007) Mineralogy and petrology of Hispaniolan jadeitites: First results. In: Martens, U. & Garcia-Casco, A. eds., “High-pressure belts of Central Guatemala: The Motagua Suture and the Chuacus Complex”, IGCP 546 Special Contribution, 1, 2, Guatemala, December 3-9, 2007. Abstracts: igcp546.

Maresch, W.V., Grevel, C., Stanek, K.P., Carpenter, M. (2007) Coexisting jadeite and omphacite in metabasites from the Escambray Massif, Cuba. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 15S, A621.

Krebs, M., Stanek, K.P., Scherer, E., Maresch, W.V., Grafe, F., Idleman, B., Rodionov, N. (2007) Age of HP metamorphism from the Escambray Massif, Cuba. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 15S, A522.

Gross, J., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T. (2007) Determining mineral solubilities at high pressures: A new method combining weight-loss and in situ approaches. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 15S, A357.

Fransolet, A.-M., Hatert, F., Bernhardt, H.-J., Theye, T., Maresch, W.V. (2007) Occurrence of sursassite in the Lienne Valley, Stavelot Massif, Belgian Ardennes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 15S, A294.

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2007) Modeling silicate-rich fluids at high pressures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 15S, A288.

Doltsinis, N.L., Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T. (2007) Dissolved quartz in supercritical water: Insights from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 15S, A230.

Perchuk, A.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P. (2007) Breakdown of hydrous and carbonate mineral inclusions in garnet under P-T conditions of diamondiferous metamorphic complexes. International Eclogite Field Symposium, Paisley, Scotland, Abstract Vol., 91-92.

Krebs, M., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V. (2007) The HP-knockers of the Rio San Juan Serpentinite mélange (Northern Dominican Republic): Various rock types, diverse PTt-paths but a genetically coherent subduction environment. International Eclogite Field Symposium, Paisley, Scotland, Abstract Vol. 61-62.

Maresch, W.V., Doltsinis, N.L., Adeagbo, W.A., Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T. (2007) Aqueous silicate solutions at high pressures: combining experiment, theromdynamic modeling and ab initio simulation. Progr. and Abstr., Frontiers in Mineral Sciences, Cambridge, 283-284.

Gross, J., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T. (2007) A new method of determining mineral solubilities and material diffusivities at high pressures: Combining weight loss and in situ approaches. Symp. Subduction dynamics – bridging the scales, Bochum Geowiss. Arb., 10, 125-126.

Fockenberg, T., Maresch, W.V., Zakharchouk, V., Burchard, M. (2007) Solubilities of rock-forming minerals in pure water at high pressures and temperatures. Symp. Subduction dynamics – bridging the scales, Bochum Geowiss. Arb., 10, 123-124.

Doltsinis, N.L., Maresch, W.V., Adeagbo, W.A., Fockenberg, T., Burchard, T. (2007) Aqueous solutions at high pressures: combining experiment, thermodynamic modeling and ab initio simulation. Symp. Subduction dynamics – bridging the scales, Bochum Geowiss. Arb., 10, 113-114.

Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T., Doltsinis, N.L., Gerya, T. (2007) Thermodynamic modeling of H2O ionization in conjunction with mineral solubility and speciation in aqueous fluid at pressures up to 5.0 GPa. Symp. Subduction dynamics – bridging the scales, Bochum Geowiss. Arb., 10, 105-106.

Schertl,. H.-P., Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Draper, G. (2007) Jadeitite from Hispaniola: a link between Guatemala and Antigua. Abstracts, 20th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Kiel, Germany, 167.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G. (2007) Fossil petrological evidence (Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic) and numerical simulation yield analogous histories for the Great Arc of rhe Caribbean. Abstracts, 20th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Kiel, Germany, 105.

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V. (2007) The history of the Great Antillean Island Arc – example from Central Cuba. Abstracts, 20th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Kiel, Germany, 104.

Schertl, H.-P., Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V. (2006) The eclogites from the intraoceanic Rio San Juan Complex (Northern Dominican Republic): On the doorstep to UHP metamorphism. Abstract V44B-05, AGU Fall Meeting.

Risvanis, F., Kramm, U., Körner, T., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T. (2006) Schmelzversuche an fenitischen Gesteinen: geochemische Analysen. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 18, 110.

Gross, J., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M. (2006) Petrology of the contact zone between eclogite and marble, Stümpelfelsen, Hammerunterwiesenthal, Westerzgebirge. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 18, 50.

Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T., Maresch, W.V. (2006) Fluids in the system K2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 18, 22.

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2006) The solubility of SiO2 in aqueous KOH-solutions at pressures up to 30 kbar. EMPG XI. 11th Conf. on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Bristol, UK, 28.

Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T. (2006) Modeling silicate-rich fluids at high pressures: The system K2O-Na2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (KNCASH). 19th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Kobe.

Zakhartchouk, V., Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T., Maresch, W.V. (2005) High-pressure solubility of corundum in aqueous KOH solutions. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 17, 151.

Risvanis. F., Kramm, U., Körner, T., Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M. (2005) Experimental investigations of melting conditions for fenite rocks. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 17, 109.

Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T. (2005) An experimental study of the solubility of natural quartz in aqueous KOH-solutions. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 17, 86.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Idleman, B., Münker, C., Draper, G. (2005) Pressure-temperature-time paths of subduction-related high-pressure rocks incorporated into serpentinite mélanges of the Rio San Juan Complex (northern Dominican Republic). Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 17, 75.

Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T., Maresch, W.V. (2005) High pressure solubility behaviour of potassium feldspar in pure H2O. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 17, 21.

Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T.V. (2005) Subduction zone dynamics and interpretation of Caribbean fossil subduction zones. Abstracts, 17th Caribbean Geological Conference 2005, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 52.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G., Idleman, B. (2005) Pressure-temperature-time paths critically constrain Cretaceous subduction-zone dynamics in the Rio San Juan Complex (Northern Dominican Republic). Abstracts, 17th Caribbean Geological Conference 2005, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 45.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G., Idleman, B., (2005) The Rio San Juan Complex (Northern Dominican Republic): Geothermobarometry and age determinations. Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 150, 76.

Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T., Maresch, W.V. (2005) Fluids in the system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (CASH) - Thermodynamic modeling of experimental results. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 69, Suppl. S (Goldschmidt Conf.), 824.

Burchard, M., Gerya, T., Maresch, W.V., Fockenberg, T., Zakharchouk, V., Doltsinis, N.L. (2004) Semi-empirical modeling of mineral solubilities in water. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 16, 24.

Gerya, T., Maresch, W.V., Burchard, M., Zakharchouk, V., Doltsinis, N.L., Fockenberg, T. (2004) Semi-empirical thermodynamic modeling of mineral solubilities in water. Bochumer Geowiss. Arbeiten, 3, 160-162.

Gerya, T.V., Yuen, D.A., Maresch, W.V. (2004) Thermomechanical modelling of slab breakoff. Bochumer Geowiss. Arbeiten, 3, 159.

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Zakharchouk, V. (2004) Solubility of rock-forming minerals in water at elevated pressures. Bochumer Geowiss. Arbeiten, 3, 150-153.

Doltsinis, N.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2004) Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations as a tool for interpreting vibrational spectra in aqueous fluids. Bochumer Geowiss. Arbeiten, 3, 118-120.

Zakharchouk, V.V., Burchard, M., Fockenberg, T., Maresch, W.V. (2004) The solubility of natural spinel in supercritical water: Experimental determination. EMPG-X Symposium Abstracts, Lithos, supplement to v. 73, S123.

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2004) Solubilities of calcium silicates at high pressures and temperatures. EMPG-X Symposium Abstracts, Lithos, supplement to v. 73, S37.

Doltsinis, N.L., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2004) Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations as a tool for interpreting vibrational spectra in aqueous fluids. EMPG-X Symposium Abstracts, Lithos, supplement to v. 73, S28.

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., Grafe, F., Grevel, C., Baumann, A. (2003) Contrasting high-pressure and low-pressure P-T-t-d paths in a nappe pile – a case study from the Cuban collisional suture. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 15, 197.

Cámara, F., Oberti, R., Della Ventura, G., Maresch, W.V., Welch, M.D. (2004) Structure and phase transition of synthetic NaNa2Mg5Si8O22(OH)3. EMPG-X Symposium Abstracts, Lithos, supplement to v. 73, S17.

Burchard, M., Meijer, J., Burchard, B., Fockenberg, T., Maresch, W.V. (2004) Direct heating of diamond anvils in diamond anvil cells. EMPG-X Symposium Abstracts, Lithos, supplement to v. 73, S16.

Perchuk, A.L., Schertl, H.-P., Burchard, M., Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Vielzeuf, D., Bernhardt, H.-J. (2003) Diffusivity of Fe, Mg and Mn in garnet: multi-couple experiments. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 15, 146.

Krebs, M., Schertl, H.-P., Maresch, W.V., Trapp, E., Baumann, A., Draper, G. (2003) Geochemistry and petrology of high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Rio San Juan Complex, northern Dominican Republic. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 15, 108.

Gerya, T.V., Uken, R., Reinhardt, J., Watkeys, M., Maresch, W.V., Clarke, B. (2003) Cold fingers in a hot magma: numerical simulation of country-rock diapirs in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 35, 396.

Della Ventura, G., Piccinini, M., Marcelli, A., Maresch, W.V., Oberti, R., Cámara, F., Iezzi, G. (2003) High-T FTIR spectroscopy of NaNa2Mg5Si8O21(OH)3. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 15, 40.

Gerya, T.V., Stöckhert, B., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P. (2003) P-T histories of HP and UHP rocks at convergent plate boundaries: insight from 2-D numerical modeling. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 35, 224.

Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2003) Experimental determination of the solubility of natural zoisite in pure H2O at high pressures. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 15, 34.Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T.V. (2003) Blueschists and blue amphiboles: how much subduction do they need? GSA Abstracts with Programs, 35, 95.

Perchuk, A.L., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Burchard, M., (2003) Microstructures caused by melting of metamorphic garnets“. NGU Report 2003.055, Geological Survey of Norway, Eclogite Field Symopsium, Abstr. Volume, 110-111.

Perchuk, A.L., Gerya, T.V., Philippot; P. Maresch, W.V. (2003) Eclogitization and fluid evolution during fast exhumation of granulites. NGU Report 2003.055, Geological Survey of Norway, Eclogite Field Sympsium, Abstr. Volume, 109.

Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P. (2003) Rapid exhumation of UHP rocks related to slab break-off: insights from 2D numerical experiments. NGU Report 2003.055, Geological Survey of Norway, Eclogite Field Symposium, Abstr. Volume, 50.

Gerya, T.V., Stöckhert, B., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P. (2003) P-T histories of HP and UHP rocks in continental collision zones: Insights from 2D numerical modeling. European Geophysical Society, Nice, 2003, Geophysical Research Abstr., 5, 12285.

Perchuk, A.L., Gerya, T.V., Philippot, P., Maresch, W.V. (2003) Could granulites have been deeper than eclogites? European Geophysical Society, Nice, 2003, Geophysical Research Abstr., 5, 02336.

Perchuk, A.L., Vielzeuf, D., Schertl, H.-P., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Bernhardt, H.-J., Gerya, T.V. (2003) Fe-Mg interdiffusion in garnet: Testing a new experimental method. European Geophysical Society, Nice, 2003, Geophysical Research Abstr., 5, 02326.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Baumann, A., Münker, C., Trapp, E., Gerya, T.V., Draper, G. (2003) Geochronology and petrology of high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Rio San Juan Complex, northern Dominican Republic. Terra Nostra 2/2003, 18. Geow. Lateinamerika-Koll., Freiberg, 49.

Cruz Gámez, E.M., Maresch, W.V., Cáceres Govea, D., Balcázar, N., Krebs, M. (2003) La Faja Cangre y sus rasgos metamórficos, Pinar del Rio, Cuba (extended abstract). Memorias Geomin 2003, V Congreso de Geología y Minería, La Habana, ISBN 959-7117-11-8, 125-129.

Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Idleman, B., Baumann, A., Krebs, M., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G. (2003) Age systematics of high-pressure metamorphism in the Caribbean: confronting existing models with new data. Memorias Geomin 2003, V Congreso de Geología y Minería, La Habana, ISBN 959-7117-11-8, 39.

Uken, R., Gerya, T., Reinhardt, J., Maresch, W.V., Watkeys, M., Clarke, B. (2002) Cold fingers in a hot magma: country-rock diapirs triggered by the Bushveld Layered Intrusion, South Africa. Eos Trans. AGU, 83 (47), Fall. Meet. Suppl., Abstract T22A-1139.

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V. (2002) Experimental determination of the solubility of natural wollastonite in pure water up to pressures of 5.0 GPa. Eos Trans. AGU, 83 (47), Fall. Meet. Suppl., Abstract V72B-1327.

Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T. (2002) Visualization of P-T Paths derived from numerical thermomechanical experiments: new insights into geodynamic problems. Eos Trans. AGU, 83 (47), Fall. Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG12A-1016.

Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P. (2002) Delamination, necking and decoupling of the subducted slab under the Variscan orogen related to the exhumation of diamond-bearing crustal rocks. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 14, 52.

Maresch, W.V. (2002) New insights on the stability relations of hydrous chain silicates in the system Na2O-MgO-SiO2-H2O at pressures up to 1 GPa. 18th IMA Meeting, Edinburgh, 2002, Programme with Abstracts, 84.

Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Willner, A.P. (2002) Lithospheric detachment and slab break-off under the Variscan collisional orogen: keys to the origin of diamond-bearing crustal rocks in the Bohemian Massif. 18th IMA Meeting, Edinburgh, 2002, Programme with Abstracts, 218.

Pindell, J., Draper, G., Kennan, L., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P. (2002) Evolution of the northern portion of the Caribbean Plate, Pacific origin to Bahamian collision. 16th Caribbean Geological Conference, Barbados, 2002, Abstracts Vol., 98.

Maresch, W.V., Gerya, T.V., Krebs, M., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G. (2002) The serpentinite mélanges of the Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic, and the dynamics of subduction zones. 16th Caribbean Geological Conference, Barbados, 2002, Abstracts Vol., 93.

Maresch, W.V., Zaitsev, A.M., Burchard, M., (2002) Moving beyond the pressure and temperature limits of common hydrothermal diamond anvil cells. Jour. Conf. Abstracts, 7, 1, 68.

Mönicke, K.A., Burchard, M., Duyster, J., Maresch, W.V., Röller, K., Stöckhert, (2002) Rheology of deeply subducted continental crust: experimental studies on fluid distribution and fluid properties at ultra-high pressure metamorphic conditions. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 14, 139.

Burchard, M., Zaitsev, A., Meijer, J., Stephan, A., Maresch, W.V. (2001) Electronic structuring of diamond anvils – new advances and possibilities for HP research. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, F1388.

Mönicke, K.A., Burchard, M., Duyster, J., Maresch, W.V., Röller, K., Stöckhert, B. (2001) Experimental study on fluid distribution at ultra-high metamorphic conditions. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, F1199, Abstract T41C-0880.

Pindell, J., Draper, G., Kennan, L., Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V. (2001) Evolution of the northern portion of the Caribbean plate: Pacific origin to Bahamian collision. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 33, 6, A153-154.

Zaitsev, A., Burchard, M., Meijer, J., Stephan, A., Maresch, W.V. (2001) Electronic structuring on high pressure diamond anvils. XXXIX European High Pressure Research Group Meeting, Santander, Book of Abstracts, 144.

Mönicke, K.A., Burchard, M., Duyster, J., Maresch, W.V., Röller, K., Stöckhert, B. (2001) Experimental studies on fluid distribution and properties at ultra-high pressure metamorphic conditions: implications for the flow strength of deeply subducted crust. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 126.

Krebs, M., Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.P., Stöckhert, B., Draper, G. (2001) Serpentinite mélanges of the northern Caribbean: records of complex material flow in a subduction zone. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 104.

Gerya, T.V., Stöckhert, B., Maresch, W.V. (2001) Exhumation dynamics of high-pressure rocks in a hydrated mantle wedge: constraints from 2D numerical experiments. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 64.

Gerya, T.V., Maresch, W.V., Perchuk, L.L., van Reenen, D.D., Smit, C.A., Willner, A.P. (2001) Collision and gravitational redistribution: a genetic association in granulite-facies terrains. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 64.

Fockenberg, T., Burchard, M., Maresch, W.V., Lobert, M. (2001) The two-liquid phase field: where the double capsule technique gets into deep water. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 52.

Burchard, M., Zaitsev, A., Meijer, J., Stephan, A., Maresch, W.V. (2001) Electronic devices integrated into diamond anvils – new results and prospects for the future. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 31.

Mönicke, K.A., Burchard, M., Duyster, J., Maresch, W.V., Röller, K., Stöckhert, B. (2001) Experimental studies on fluid distribution at ultra-high pressure metamorphic conditions – implications for the flow strength of deeply subducted continental crust. Abstracts Volume, Meeting on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology & Tectonics, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2001, 117.

Stanek, K.P., Millán, G., Maresch, W.V., Grevel, C., Grafe, F. (2000) Structure of the Escambray massif, Central Cuba. Profil, 18, 37.

104. M. KREBS, H.-P. SCHERTL, W.V. MARESCH, T. GERYA & G. DRAPER: "PT-paths as constraints for numerical modelling: the Rio San Juan complex, Dominican Republic." ¾ Profil, v. 18, p. 30 (2000).

Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Millán, G. (2000) Contrasting P-T-paths in nappes of the Escambray massif, Cuba. Profil, 18, 25.

Grafe, F., Stanek, K.P., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V., Brix, M.R., Thomson, S.N., Hames, W.E., Grevel, C., Millán, G. (2000) Timing of HP-metamorphism in the Escambray massif, Central Cuba. Profil, 18, 25.

Willner, A.P., Sebazungu, E., Maresch, W.M., Gerya, T., Krohe, A. (2000) Thermische Modellierung schneller Extrusion von Hochdruckgesteinen aus der variszischen Gebirgswurzel im Erzgebirge. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 236.

Speer, D., Enders, M., Maresch, W.V. (2000) Abbaureaktionen titanreicher Hornblenden aus Vulkaniten. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 204.

Maresch, W.V., Ruthmann, W. (2000) Synthesis and stability relations of triple-chain silicates in the system Na2O-MgO-SiO2-H2O. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 119.

Kahl, W.-A., Fockenberg, T., Gottschalk, M., Wolf, I., Maresch, W.V. (2000) Crystal chemistry and enthalpy of formation of synthetic glaucophanic amphibole. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 89.

Gottschalk, M., Maresch, W.V. (2000) Determination of chain multiplicity fault concentrations in amphiboles by IR-spectroscopy. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 68.

Gerya, T.V., Perchuk, L.L., Maresch, W.V., van Reenen, D.D., Smit, C.A., Willner, A.P. (2000) Numerical modeling of the exhumation of Precambrian granulite facies terrains. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 59.

Burchard, M., Zaitsev, A., Meijer, J., Maresch, W.V., Fahrner, W. (2000) Pressure and temperature measurements by integrated electronic sensors in diamond-anvil cells. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 28.

Maresch, W.V., Pindell, J., Stanek, K.P. (2000) 94. Origin, polarity reversal, and migration history of the Great Caribbean Arc as constrained by geochronology and P-T paths. Abstracts Volume (CD-ROM), 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro (2000).

Enders, M., Speer, D., Maresch, W.V. (2000) The determination of the iron oxidation ratio in minerals with the electron microprobe ¾ is it worth the effort? Abstracts Volume (CD-ROM), 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro (2000).

Zaitsev, A.M., Denisenko, A.V., Burchard, M., Fahrner, W.R., Maresch, W.V. (1999) Diamond-based pressure and temperature sensors: Application to diamond anvil cells. Bull. Liaison S.F.M.C., 11, 106-107.

Speer, D., Enders, M., Maresch, W.V. (1999) Quantifizierung von Oxidations- und Reduktionsprozessen in Ca-Amphibolen mit der Flankenmethode. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 11, 217.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G. (1999) P-T-Pfade von Hochdruckgesteinen aus dem Rio San Juan Komplex (nördliche Dominikanische Republik). Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 11, 137.

Kahl, W.-A., Maresch, W.V. (1999) Tremolite: Enthalpy of formation calculated from high-temperature, drop-solution calorimetry. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 11, 114.

Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Millán, G. (1999) An unusual occurrence of omphacite + jadeite in metabasites from the Escambray area, Cuba. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 11, 93.

Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Draper, G. (1999) P-T-paths of subduction-related high-pressure rocks, Rio San Juan Complex, northern Dominican Republic. J. Conf. Abs., 4, 706-707.

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., Millán, G., Grevel, C., Grafe, F., Baumann, A. (1998) Tectonics of the Escambray complex, Central Cuba. 15th Caribbean Geological Conference, Kingston, Jamaica, 94-95.

Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Maresch, W.V., Baumann, A., Grevel, C., Millán, G. (1998) Nappe tectonics and geochronological implications of metamorphic units in Central Cuba. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 471, 219-220.Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Millán, G. (1998) Metamorphism and structure of the Escambray Massif, Cuba. Terra Nostra, 98/5, 56-57.

Grafe, F., Stanek, K.P., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V., Millán, G., Kempe, U. (1998) Multiple Pb-loss resulting in highly discordant isotopic data on zircons of an eclogite, Gavilanes Unit, Escambray, Cuba. Terra Nostra, 98/5, 55-56.

Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Millán, G. (1998) Petrology and PT-data of high-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Escambray Massif, Cuba. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 10, 110.

Kahl, W.-A., Maresch, W.V. (1998) Stability and thermodynamic properties of tremolite. 17th General Meeting, IMA, Toronto, Abstracts & Programme, A25.

Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Stanek, K.P., Grafe, F., Millán, G. (1998) High-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Escambray Massif, Cuba. 17th General Meeting, IMA, Toronto, Abstracts & Programme, A27.

Speer, D., Enders, M., McCammon, C., Maresch, W.V. (1998) Iron oxidation microanalytically -- evaluation of the "flank method". -- Proc. EMAS98, 3rd Regional Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 363.

Willner, A.P., Krohe, A., Maresch, W.V., Sebazungu, E. (1997) Mechanismen der schnellen Heraushebung einer variszischen Gebirgswurzel im Unterkarbon ¾ abgeleitet aus PTtd-Pfaden von Einheiten des Erzgebirges. Terra Nostra, 98/2, 166-167.

Grafe, F., Stanek, K.P., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V., Millán, G. (1997) Constraints on the age of HT/HP - metamorphism by Rb-Sr dating of pegmatitic rocks, Mabujina Unit, Escambray area, Central Cuba. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 9, 136.

Speer, D., Enders, M., McCammon, C., Maresch, W.V. (1997) Die Bestimmung zwei- und dreiwertigen Eisens in Amphibolen: Mößbaueruntersuchungen und Messungen mit der Elektronenstrahlmikrosonde. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 9, 337.

Enders, M., Speer, D., McCammon, C., Maresch, W.V. (1997) Fe2+/Fe3+ - ratios in alkali-amphiboles with the electron-microprobe. Terra Nova, 9, 432.

Willner, G., Willner, A.P., Maresch, W.V., Schreyer, W. (1996) Entwicklung niedriggradiger Metamorphite mit Alkaliamphibolen im Mt. Hibernia-Komplex, Jamaika. Terra Nostra, 8/96, 153.

Stanek, K.P., Maresch, W.V., Millán, G., Grevel, C. (1996) Late Cretaceous collisional tectonics of the Escambray Massif, Central Cuba. Terra Nostra, 8/96, 134-135.

Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Millán, G., Stanek, K.P. (1996) High-pressure metamorphic rocks from the eastern Escambray Massif, Cuba. Terra Nostra, 8/96, 54.

Grevel, C., Maresch, W.V., Millán, G., Stanek, K.P. (1996) Deerite from the Escambray Massif, Cuba. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 8, 79.

Willner, A.P., Klemm, I., Rötzler, K., Maresch, W.V. (1995) Petrologische Belege aus dem mittelkrustalen Niveau für eine variskische Krustenstapelung im Erzgebirge. Terra Nostra, 95/8, 138.

Willner, A.P., Rötzler, K., Maresch, W.V. (1995) Pressure-temperature and fluid evolution of quartzo-feldspathic metamorphic rocks with a relic high-pressure, granulite-facies history from the Central Erzgebirge (Saxony/Germany). Int’l Colloquium “High-Pressure Metamorphism in Nature and Experiment”, Bochum, 1995, Bochumer geol. u. geotech. Arb., 44, 258-259.

Maresch, W.V. (1995) High-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Caribbean: Small-scale case histories of large-scale significance. Int’l Colloquium “High-Pressure Metamorphism in Nature and Experiment”, Bochum, 1995, Bochumer geol. u. geotech. Arb., 44, 103.

Willner, G., Willner, A.P., Maresch, W.V., Schreyer, W. (1995) Metamorphic evolution of low-grade alkali-amphibole-bearing assemblages of the Mt. Hibernia Schists, Jamaica. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 267.

Willner, A., Rötzler, K., Krohe, A., Maresch, W.V., Schumacher, R. (1995) Pressure-temperature evolution of discrete crustal units in the Erzgebirge (Saxona/Germany): A model region for the exhumation of Variscan HP/HT rocks. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 266.

Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Brix, M., Kaiser, C., Kluge, R., Krückhans-Lueder, G., Toetz, A. (1995) The crustal history of Margarita Island: An interdisciplinary contribution to Caribbean tectonics. Abstracts, 14th Carib. Geol. Conf., Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 50.

Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Toetz, A. Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Troesch, M. (1995) New geochronological constraints on the crustal history of Margaria Island. Abstracts, 14th Carib. Geol. Conf., Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 41.

Willner, G., Willner, A.P., Maresch, W.V., Schreyer, W. (1995) Pressure-temperature evolution of low-grade alkali-amphibole-bearing assemblages of the Mt. Hibernia Schists, Blue Mountains, Jamaica. Abstracts, 14th Carib. Geol. Conf., Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 86.

Schumacher, R., Rötzler, K., Maresch, W.V. (1995) Oscillatory zoning in regional metamorphic garnets from the Westerzgebirge and their tectonic framework. EUG 8 Straßburg, Abstract supplement No. 1 to Terra nova, 311.

Willner, A.P., Rötzler, K., Krohe, A., Maresch, W.V., Schumacher, R. (1994) Druck-Temperatur-Deformations-Entwicklung verschiedener Krusteneinheiten im Erzgebirge -- Eine Modellregion für die Exhumierung von Hochdruck-Gesteinen. Terra Nostra, 3, 104-106.

Schumacher, R., Rötzler, K., Maresch, W.V. (1994) Continuous, discontinuous and oscillatory zoning in garnets from regional metamorphic mica schists and phyllites, Westerzgebirge, Germany. I.M.A. Abstracts Volume, Pisa 1994, 369.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (1994) Do disordered biopyriboles behave as a phase or a phase mixture? An empirical observation. I.M.A. Abstracts Volume, Pisa 1994, 264.

Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Toetz, A. (1994) Geochronological and geochemical implications for the evolution of Margarita Island, southeastern Caribbean: From an accretionary wedge to a conservative plate boundary. J. Czech. Geol. Soc., 39, 53-55.

Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Kluge, R., Krückhans, G., Toetz, A. (1993) Structural geology, fabric analysis, petrology and geochronology in concert: How does the Margarita crustal block fit the Caribbean tectonic puzzle? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, A71.

Willner, A.P., Rötzler, K., Maresch, W.V., Krohe, A., Kopp, J. (1993) Hochdruckrelikte und Druck-Temperatur-Entwicklung in Orthogneisen des mittleren Erzgebirges. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beiheft z. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 256.

Rötzler, K., Schumacher, R., Maresch, W.V. (1993) P-T-Entwicklung in Glimmerschiefern und Orthogneisen des Westerzgebirges. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beiheft z. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 257.

Maresch, W.V. (1993) Kristallchemie, Stabilitäts- und Phasenbeziehungen der Amphibole: Ein aktueller Überblick (invited paper). Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beiheft z. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 288.

Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V. (1993) Geochronological data on leucocratic rocks from the Island of Margarita, Venezuela. Terra abstracts, 5, 389.

Rötzler, K., Schumacher, R., Maresch, W.V. (1993) The metamorphic evolution in the western Erzgebirge. 8. Rundgespräch Geodynamik des europäischen Variszikums, Cheb/Westböhmen 1992, Zbl. Geol. Paläont., 944.

Willner, A.P., Krohe, A., Maresch, W.V. (1993) Mehrphasige Exhumierungsgeschichte des Erzgebirgskristallins/Sachsen -- Petrologische und strukturgeologische Belege aus Orthogneisen des mittleren Erzgebirges. 8. Rundgespräch Geodynamik des europäischen Variszikums, Cheb/Westböhmen 1992, Zbl. Geol. Paläont., 965.

Stöckhert, B., Maresch, W.V., Kluge, R., Krückhans, G., Toetz, A. (1992) Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Isla Margarita, Venezuela, und ihre Korrelation mit dem plattentektonischen Rahmen. 13. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Münster, Abstracts Vol.

Krückhans, G., Maresch, W.V. (1992) Nachweis einer Hochdruckmetamorphose in der pelitischen Juan-Griego-Einheit, Insel Margarita/Venezuela.13. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Münster., Abstracts Vol.

Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V. (1992) U-Pb-Datierung des El Salado Granits und des Matasiete Trondhjemits der Insel Margarita/Venezuela. 13. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Münster, Abstracts Vol.

Krückhans, G., Maresch, W.V. (1992) Hochdruckmetamorphose der pelitischen Juan Griego Einheit, Insel Margarita/Venezuela. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral. 4, 167.

Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Maresch, W.V. (1992) U-Pb-Datierung leukokrater Magmatite der Insel Margarita/Venezuela. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral. 4, 147.

Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Kluge, R., Krückhans, G., Toetz, A. (1992) Results and implications of recent cooperative studies in structural geology, fabric analysis, petrology and geochronology on the Margarita crustal block, SE Caribbean. Program and Abstracts, 13th Caribbean Geological Conference, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, 58.

Willner, A.P., Kopp, J., Rötzler, K., Maresch, W.V., Schumacher, R. (1991) P-T-Entwicklung von Quarz-Feldspat-Gesteinen im mittleren Erzgebirge. 7. Rundgespräch Geodynamik des europäischen Variszikums, Freiberg/Sachsen, Tagungsheft, 53.

Vitek, E., Maresch, W.V. (1991) Synthese und Stabilitätsbeziehungen von Li2Mg2 [Si2O11], einem neuen Kettensilikat. Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 3, 1, 278.

Kluge, R., Krückhans, G., Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Toetz, A. (1990) Tektonische Entwicklung der Isla Margarita -- woher kommt der Margarita-Block am Südrand der karibischen Platte? 12. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., München, Tagungsheft.

Maresch, W.V., Ruthmann, W., Langer, K. (1990) A third type of site environment for hydrogen in chain silicates? Terra abstracts, 2, 88.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M., Seifert, F. (1990) Realbau (defect structure) in synthetic tremolite and anthophyllite - gedrite solid solutions. Terra abstracts, 2, 88.

Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B., Kluge, R., Krückhans, G., Toetz, A. (1990) High-pressure metamorphism along the southern margin of the Caribbean -- when, why and where? Terra abstracts, 2, 31.

Bocchio, R., De Capitani, L., Liborio, G., Maresch, W.V., Mottana, A. (1989) The eclogite-bearing series of Isla Margarita, Venezuela. Terra abstracts, 1, XX.

Vitek, E., Maresch, W.V. (1989) Synthesis and stability relations of Li2Mg2 [Si2O11], a novel new chain silicate. Terra abstracts, 1, 291.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M., Schreyer, W. (1989) Synthesis, defect structure, and properties of Li-Na-Ca-Mn2+-Fe2+-Mg-Al-Amphiboles. Int'l. Coll. on Crystal Structure, Microstructure and Properties of Minerals and Ceramic Materials, Bochum, F.R. Germany, 1989, Abstracts Vol., 1-2.

Maresch, W.V., Stöckhert, B. (1988) Hochdruckmetamorphose am Südrand der karibischen Platte -- wann, wo und warum? 11. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Hannover, Tagungsheft, 91.

Graham, C.M., Maresch, W.V. (1988) Experimental studies of amphibole synthesis, stability and structure. Terra cognita, 8, 65.

Schreyer, W., Maresch, W.V., Baller, T. (1987) MgMgAl-Pumpellyite: a new hydrous, high-pressure, synthetic silicate resulting from Mg-for-Al substitution. Terra cognita, 7, 385.

Maresch, W.V., Schreyer, W., Blümel, P. (1987) Chemistry and structural properties of K-bearing cordierites from buchites and volcanic xenoliths. Terra cognita, 7, 263.

Jochum, C., Mirwald, P.W., Maresch, W.V., Schreyer, W. (1987) Hydration and dehydration kinetics of synthetic and natural cordierite. Terra cognita, 7, 259.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (1986) Topotactic growth from talc: the key to realbau ("real structure") in synthetic Fe‑Mg‑Mn‑amphiboles. Int. Symposium Exptl. Mineral. Geochem., Nancy, Abstracts, 96.

Maresch, W.V. (1985) Experimental petrology and high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphism (invited paper). Terra cognita, 5, 417-418.

Maresch, W.V. (1984) Petrologische Rahmenbedingungen zur Tektonik der S. Karibik. 9. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Marburg, Tagungsheft, 103.

Halbach, P., Gursky, H.-J., Schmidt-Effing, R., Maresch, W.V. (1984) Zusammensetzung und Entstehung von Manganknollen in kretazischen Radiolariten des Nicoya-Komplexes (NW Costa Rica). 9. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Marburg, Tagungsheft, 83.

Maresch, W.V., Massonne, H.-J., Czank, M. (1983) An ordered 1:1 chlorite/biotite mixed-layer mineral as an alteration product of chlorite. Fortschr. Miner., 61, Beiheft 1, 139-141.

Chopin, C., Maresch, W.V. (1984) High-pressure metamorphism: indicator of subduction and crustal thickening (Report of a Symposium). Terra cognita, 4, 33-34.

Jochum, C., Mirwald, P.W., Maresch, W.V., Schreyer, W. (1983) The kinetics of H2O exchange between cordierite and fluid during retrogression. Fortschr. Miner., 61, Beiheft 1, 103-105.

Maresch, W.V. (1983) Evidence for an omphacite-producing dehydration reaction in metabasalts of low to medium metamorphic grade. Terra cognita, 3, 186-187.

Czank, M., Miehe, G., Maresch, W.V. (1991) Na3Mg5[Si8O21/(OH)(OH)2, ein trikliner Amphibol! Ber. Dtsch. Min. Ges., Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral 3, 1, 59.

Czank, M., Simon, B., Maresch, W.V. (1982) Phase characterization of synthetic minerals by HRTEM. 13th General Meeting, IMA 1982, Varna, Abstracts, 435.

Beets, D.J., Maresch, W.V., Klaver, G., Mottana, A., Bocchio, R., Beunk, F.F., Monen, H.P. (1982) Die Bedeutung von Hoch-Druck Metamorphose und Magmatismus im Mesozoikum für den tektonischen Werdegang der Karibik. 8. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Göttingen, Tagungsheft, 10.

Bocchio, R., Liborio, G., Maresch, W.V., Morten, L., Mottana, A. (1982) The eclogite-bearing metabasaltic sequence of Isla Margarita, Venezuela: a geochemical study. Terra cognita, 2, 319.

Maresch, W.V. (1982) Die Bildung von Eklogit aus Amphibolit bei progressiver Hochdruckmetamorphose. Fortschr. Miner., 60, Beiheft 1, 137-138..

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (1981) Synthetische (Mn,Mg)-Amphibole: kristallchemische Charakterisierung. Fortschr. Miner., 59, Beiheft 1, 34-35.

Maresch, W.V., Czank, M. (1981) Crystal chemistry of synthetic Mn-anthophyllite: are synthetic amphiboles suitable for stability studies? Terra cognita, 1, 89.

Maresch, W.V. (1980) An appraisal of the petrological importance of eclogites occurring in the Venezuelan Coast Ranges. IXth Carib. Geol. Conf., Santo Domingo, 1980, Abstracts, 43 (1980).

Maresch, W.V. (1980) Tektonik und Hochdruck-Metamorphose im nördlichsten Teil Südamerikas. 7. Geowiss. Lateinamerika Koll., Heidelberg, Tagungsheft, 54-55.

Mirwald, P.W., Maresch, W.V. (1980) Beziehungen zwischen der Hochdruckpolymorphie und dem Gehalt von fluiden Gemengteilen in Cordierit. Fortschr. Miner., 58, Beiheft 1, 92-93.

Maresch, W.V., Abraham, K., Bocchio, R. Mottana, A. (1979, published 1985) Systematic compositional variations in amphiboles from the La Rinconada Group metabasalts, Margarita Island, and their paleotectonic implications. Trans. IV Latin American Geol. Conf., Trinidad & Tobago, 1979, 398.

Mirwald, P.W., Maresch, W.V., Schreyer, W. (1979) Der Wassergehalt von Mg-Cordierit zwischen 500°C und 800°C sowie 0.5 und 11kbar. Fortschr. Miner., 57, Beiheft 1, 101-102.

Medenbach, O., Maresch, W.V., Mirwald, P.W., Schreyer, W. (1979) Optische Bestimmung des H2O-Gehaltes synthetischer Mg-cordierite. Fortschr. Miner., 57, Beiheft 1, 99-101.

Maresch, W.V., Mirwald, P.W., Abraham, K. (1978) Nachweis einer Mischlücke in der Olivinreihe Forsterit (Mg2SiO4) – Tephroit (Mn2SiO4). Fortschr. Miner., 56, Beiheft 1, 89-90.

Maresch, W.V. (1977) Similarity of metamorphic gradients in time and space during metamorphism of the La Rinconada Group, Margarita Island, Venezuela. GUA Papers of Geology, Series 1, 9, 110-111.

Maresch, W.V., Abraham, K. (1976) Chemographische Analyse von Mineralreaktionen eines Eklogits der Insel Margarita (Venezuela). Fortschr. Miner., 54, Beiheft 1, 57-58.

Maresch, W.V. (1976) Experimental progress on glaucophane stability and consequences for the interpretation of blueschist occurrences (invited paper). Abstracts, 3, 25th Int. Geol. Congr., Sydney, 672-673.

Maresch, W.V., Langer, K. (1975) Orthorhombische Amphibole mit OH-Überschuß im System Li2O-MgO-SiO2-H2O. Fortschr. Miner., 53, Beiheft 1, 54.

Maresch, W.V. (1974) Neue Daten zur Stabilität und Polymorphie des synthetischen Glaukophans. Fortschr. Miner., 51, Beiheft 1, 30-31.

Maresch, W.V. (1972) Mesozoic high-P, low-T metamorphism on Isla Margarita, Venezuela, and its significance in the development of the Venezuelan Coast Ranges. Trans. VI Carib. Geol. Conf., Margarita, Venezuela, 1971, 366.