manuscripta mathematica 68, 117--134 (1990).
Abstract. In this article we consider the Kobayashi-pseudodistance on homogeneous manifolds. S.~Kobayashi has conjectured and Nakayima has proven that a homogeneous complex manifold is hyperbolic (\ie the Kobayashi-pseudo-distance is a distance) if and only if this manifold is biholomorphic to a bounded homogeneous domain. We want to study homogeneous complex manifolds $X$ for which the Kobayashi-pseudodistance is not a distance. First let us introduce some notations and conventions. A homogeneous complex manifold in our sense is a complex manifold $X$ for which there exists a real Lie group $G$ which acts smoothly and by biholomorphic transformations transitively on $X$. (Note that if a complex Lie group acts transitively on $X$, the Kobayashi-pseudodistance is totally degenerate.) For the sake of convenience we will always assume that $G$ is simply connected and acts almost effectively on $X$. For a Lie group $G$ we denote the Lie algebra by $\a g$, the commutator group by $G'$ and the connected component of the neutral element by $G^0$. We introduce two equivalence relations: \item{(i)} $x\sim y\iff d_X(x,y)=0$, \item{(ii)} $x\simh y\iff f(x)=f(y)$ for any holomorphic map $f:X\to Y$ to any hyperbolic manifold $Y$. We will call the quotients by these equivalence relations Kobayashi-- resp. hyperbolic quotient. For non--homogeneous complex manifolds quotients by these two equivalence relations are in general not manifolds. For example let $X=\{(z,w)\in\s C^2\sth \abs{zw}<1,~\abs{w}<1\}$. Then $(z_1,w_1)\sim(z_2,w_2)$ iff $(z_1,w_1)\simh(z_2,w_2)$ iff $(z_1,w_1)=(z_2,w_2)$ or $z_1=z_2=0$. It follows that for this manifold $X$ the quotients are not everywhere locally compact. Now we want to present our main results. \Theorem 1 Let $X$ be a homogeneous complex manifold. Then there exists a bounded homogeneous domain $\Omega$ and a holomorphic map $f:X\to\Omega$ such that any holomorphic map from $X$ to any hyperbolic manifold fibers through $\Omega$. Furthermore $f$ is surjective and equivariant for all automorphisms of $X$. \endproclaim \proclaim{Remark} For this result we need only that the group of all automorphisms of $X$ acts transitively, \ie it is not necessary to assume that a \/{\rm Lie} group acts transitively on $X$. \endproclaim \proclaim{Corollary} The hyperbolic reduction coincides with the bounded holomorphic reduction, \ie $x\simh y$ if and only if $f(x)=f(y)$ for every bounded holomorphic function $f$ on $X$. \endproclaim \Theorem 2 Let $X$ be a homogeneous complex manifold. Then there exists a {\/\rm real} homogeneous differentiable manifold $Y$ with a Riemannian metric $h$, positive real constants $C_1 > C_2 > 0 $ and a differentiable fiber bundle $\pi:X\to Y$ such that $\pi$ is equivariant for all automorphisms of $X$ and moreover $$ C_2\cdot d_h(\pi(x_1),\pi(x_2)) \le d_X(x_1,x_2) \le C_1 \cdot d_h(\pi(x_1),\pi(x_2)) $$ for all $x_1$, $x_2$ in $X$, where $d_h$ denotes the distance on $Y$ induced by $h$. \endproclaim Of course one would like $Y$ to be a complex manifold such that $\pi$ is holomorphic. This is the case in all examples known to us. However there exists a non--homogeneous surface for which the Kobayashi--quotient is a \sl real \rm one--dimensional manifold (see Example 1). This seems to indicate that in general $Y$ might be even real odd--dimensional. So far we know only for the following four special cases that $Y$ can be endowed with a complex structure such that $\pi$ becomes a holomorphic map. \footnote*{Both a previous preprint by the author and \cite{Gi} contain claims that $Y$ is a complex manifold under less rigid assumptions. However the proofs contain serious gaps.} \Theorem 3 Let $X$ be a complex manifold homogeneous under the action of a Lie group $G$. The Kobayashi--quotient $Y$ admits a complex structure such that the projection $\pi:X\to Y$ is holomorphic if one of the following conditions is fulfilled: \item{1)} If $\dimc(X)\le 3$. \item{2)} If $G$ (the Lie group acting transitively on $X$) is solvable, $\pi_1(X)$ is finite or cyclic and the induced $G$\=action on $Y$ is almost effective. \item{3)} If $X$ is a flag domain. \item{4)} If the fibers of $\pi:X\to Y$ are compact complex--analytic subsets in $X$. In the cases 1), 3) and 4) the Kobayashi--pseudodistance of $X$ coincides with the pull--back via $\pi$ of the Kobayashi--pseudodistance of $Y$, \ie $d_X(p,q)=d_Y(\pi(p),\pi(q))$ for all $p,q\in X$. In particular $Y$ is hyperbolic in these cases. \endproclaim \Theorem 4 Let $X=G/H$ be a homogeneous complex manifold. Assume that $G$ is solvable. Then $X$ is hyperbolic if and only if every holomorphic map from $\s C$ to $X$ is constant. \endproclaim Now let us discuss the fibers. \Theorem 5 Let $F$ denote a fiber of $f:X\to\Omega$ and $S$ a fiber of $\pi:X\to Y$. Then $F$ is a connected homogeneous complex manifold and never hyperbolic unless it is a point. $S$ is a connected real homogeneous manifold. If $G$ is solvable then the complex--analytic Zariski--closure $\bar S$ of $S$ in $X$ is not hyperbolic unless it is a point. \endproclaim It should be noted that for non--homogeneous complex manifolds some equivalence classes might be disconnected, \eg consider the manifold $X=X_1\setminus A$ with $X_1=\{(z,w)\in\s C^2\sth \Im(w)>0\}$ and $A=\{(z,w)\sth z\in\s R\hbox{ \rm and }w=i\}$. Furthermore for non--homogeneous complex manifolds these equivalence classes may be hyperbolic analytic subsets. (Consider the example of Eisenman--Taylor (\cite{K1}) where $X=\{(z,w)\sth \abs{zw}<1,\ \abs w <1\} \setminus\{\abs z\le 1,\ w=0\}$). \proclaim{Corollary} Let $X$ be a homogeneous complex manifold, $Z$ a hyperbolic manifold and $\phi:X\to Z$ a holomorphic map. Assume that one fiber of $\phi$ is hyperbolic. Then $X$ is a bounded homogeneous domain. \endproclaim Although by the above result the Kobayashi-pseudodistance on $F$ is at least partially degenerate it may occur that it is not totally degenerate. In fact $X=\{(x,w,z)\in\s C^3\sth \Im(w)\Im (x)-\Im(z)>0,\Im(x)>0\}$ is a homogeneous complex manifold for which the fiber of the Kobayashi--reduction is biholomorphic to $\Delta_1\times\s C$.