Klassifikation dreidimensionaler komplex-homogener Mannigfaltigkeiten (Diplomarbeit)

Jörg Winkelmann


This is the diploma thesis of Jörg Winkelmann. The subject is to classify all complex manifolds X of dimension three on which a complex Lie group G acts transitively by a holomorphic action G x X -> X. All quotients of SL2C by discrete subgroups are labeled as one class, but besides this exception a fine classification (as complex manifolds) is obtained. The Diplomarbeit is written in german.

A survey (in french) appeared in

Classification des espaces complexes homogenès de dimension 3. I & II. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 306, 231-234 & 405-408 (1988).

The whole material is covered in

The Classification of three-dimensional homogeneous complex manifolds. Springer Verlag Hamburg Berlin Heidelberg. LN 1602

(this book is written in english).

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