Math. Z. 204 , 117--127 (1990)
In this article we want to investigate under which assumptions the complement of an analytic subset of $ C^n$ is homogeneous. Here we distinguish between two different notations of homogenity. We call a complex manifold $X$ \sl $\Aut$--homogeneous \rm if the group $\Aut(X)$ of all holomorphic automorphisms of $X$ acts transitively on $X$. It is called \sl $G$--homogeneous \rm if there exists a finite-dimensional real Lie group $G$ acting smoothly and transitively on $X$ by biholomorphic transformations. We are particularly interested in complex manifolds $X$ which are $\Aut$--homogeneous but not $G$--homogeneous. W.~Kaup was the first to find such an example. He showed that the complement of a certain discrete subset of $ C^n$ (with $n\ge 2$) has this property. The main idea is the following: Let $A$ be a sufficiently nice and small analytic subset of $ C^n$. Since $Aut_{\cal O}( C^n)$ is \sl very \rm large the group $S(A)=\{g\in Aut_{\cal O}( C^n): g(A)=A\}$ should act transitively on $ C^n\setminus A$. On the other hand a manifold can be $G$--homogeneous only if it satisfies certain restrictive topological assumptions. A simply-connected manifold which is homogeneous under a Lie group action must be homeomorphic to a real vector bundle over a quotient of compact Lie groups by a result of Mostow. Therefore in general $ C^n\setminus A$ will \sl not \rm be $G$--homogeneous even if it is $\Aut$--homogeneous. Our main results are the following: Let $A$ be an algebraic subset with $\codimc(A)\ge 2$. Then $\Aut(X)$ acts transitively on $X= C^n\setminus A$. There are discrete subsets $D$ in $ C^n$ such that $X= C^n\setminus D$ has no automorphism except the identity map (This is a result of Rosay and Rudin). Let $X=\{(z,w)\in C^2: zw\ne 1\}$. Then $X$ is a Stein manifold on which $\Aut(X)$ acts transitively although it is not homomgeneous with respect to a holomorphic action of a Lie group. (This answers a question of Kaup). Let $A$ be an analytic subset in $ C^n$ and assume that $X= C^n\setminus A$ admits a non-constant holomorphic map to a hyperbolic manifold (e.g. $ C\setminus\{0,1\}$). Then $\Aut(X)$ does not act transitively on $X$. Let $A$ be a union of affine hyperplanes in $ C^n$. Then $X= C^n\setminus A$ is homogeneous under the $\Aut(X)$-action if and only if $X\simeq( C^*)^k\times C^{n-k}$, i.e.~ if and only if $A$ is the union of at most $n$ affine hyperplanes in general position. Let $A$ be an algebraic hypersurface containing $n+1$ hyperplanes in general position. Then $\Aut(X)$ is finite. Let $X= C^*\times C^*\setminus\{(1,1),(2,1),(1,3)\}$. Then $X$ is a quasiaffine variety with no algebraic automorphism except the identity map, but $\Aut(X)$ acts transitively on $X$.